♕ Today's Promise: “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7
~ Lota in Florida
I have had the opportunity to have a very close relationship with my niece. I really enjoy it because my daughter lives in another state and my niece is my shopping partner. We enjoy going on day trips and just doing girly things.
She is graduating high school this year and will having a prom. Many kids, because of the pandemic, have missed out on many school activities, but she was excited because the date had been set and she was going.
She called me last week asking if I would take her to go dress shopping. I of course accepted, but really thought this would take so much of my time. The reason being that there are so many stores to choose from and all in different locations. I asked her to let me know where she would like to go, but was only able to share one location and just the average stores at the mall. I scheduled her to meet me on Tuesday and I would take her.
That morning as I was talking to my HH (Heavenly Husband). I shared with Him how my week was so busy with an event we were planning for work, and if He can please guide us today so that my niece could find her dress.
Around 12 pm He lead me to look online and I was able to call a few places. He showed me 3 stores to go to. When she arrived, we went to store #1 that was very close. They did not have the dress she liked, but it could be ordered. Then we went to store #2, but I passed the exit. Instead of turning around I heard my HH (Heavenly Husband) say to just keep going to store #3. So I did and we went in. There was so much selection but nothing my niece liked. So we had only one store left, which was the original store #2.
As we went in, we loved the decor. There was fancy chairs to sit and a wall full of roses. I started taking her picture, when a sweet girl greets us and shows us to the rack of dresses. At first glance, she didn't see anything, but then it was suggested to pick 3 dresses just to try on because they look different when you are wearing them.
Immediately she saw a dress that was sage green and selected it. She loved the color, even though she was not looking for that color dress.
When she tried it on, she said she would have never thought she would have liked this dress but she did. She LOVED it!.
Not only that, the seamstress was available and started showing how she can make it fit even better.
My niece had the biggest smile on her face and we both looked at each other saying HE did it. We had prayed and He lead us to the perfect place for her perfect dress.
Now remember how I passed the exit? This was His perfect plan because if we would have went to store #2 before store #3, we would have doubted not knowing what the other store had. Isn't He just amazing and knows us so well.
The final blessing was that after she saw His favor in how they took care of us in the store, the owner gives her a box full of goodies for purchasing her prom dress there. She thanked her Heavenly Father for making her feel so special and loved.
“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7
Our Spanish Ministry Pastor and RMI’s Spanish Branch Director
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