She Who Believes

"The Lord will work out his plans for my life" Ps138:8Β 

A few months ago, after years of prayer for my spouse to become the financial provider, he got a job he really likes. The schedule works well for him and I think I may have posted a praise report or comment regarding it. While I was re-reading Chapter 14 from WW, and doing a personal journal. A few hours after reading, my husband finds out he’s going to need surgery and has to be out of work for a month or two. He is aggravated and worried that he will lose his job since he’s only been there a short while. I started to worry for just a few but my Beloved brought this to my mind:

Cast all your anxiety on Me because I care for you. Do not fear, I am with you. I will work out my plan for your life. I cause everything to work together for good because you love Me and are called for My purpose.Β 

Years ago I would have worried and been a nervous wreck for days but I just repeated this to myself and a trust and a calm was with me all day. He is Good!πŸ’•Below is what I was journaling when my spouse called to tell me what the dr. said:Β 

This lesson was really heavy on my heart because I am the provider right now, I am under another man’s & woman’s authority (bosses) and not just my husbands.Β  My two oldest are already young adults (21 & 19) while the youngest is 9. I've always longed to stay at home and have my husband provide for us, but that hasn't happened yet. My husband recently found a stable job, which is an answered prayer, but now he's undergoing medical trials that may result in him losing it due to him needing surgery and being out for at least a month. I can tell he really wants to provide but not knowing the Lord, health, and β€œaddictions” are trying to prevent it.

I do not only work from home-my feet often do not remain at home (β€œβ€¦be sensible, pure, workers at home….” Titus 2:5. The harlot, we are told, β€œβ€¦is boisterous and rebellious; her feet do not remain at home.” Prov. 7:11.), my children are often left alone for hours together. I do have to admit it will be a little scary when the Lord gives me my desire, and has me give up control as it’s all I have known for 27 years, but I am worn out from working outside the home.Β  I yearn to fulfill God's purpose for my life as a wife, woman and mother. Thank you for your promises Lord, I am waiting.

Some favorites from this chapter:

No one can serve two masters. A wife either loves work and her family and home become an irritation, or she hates work because she'd rather be at home.

A co-worker has a problem with her husband or she has trouble with that new manager, so you murmur and complain all day, every day. Prov. 20:19 says, β€œHe who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets, therefore do not associate with a gossip.” ( I try to stay out of it, but often get caught up and have to walk away or change the subject)Β 

If your husband still insists on you working, pray for a way to bring in money without having to leave your home (this would be great as well)Β  . Some women have been able to increase their family income without leaving the home, without putting their children in day care and without resisting their husbands’ authority. Again, ask God for wisdom and for direction. He will guide you and support you for your conviction to be obedient to your husband and to obey His Word to be β€œkeepers at home.”

10 thoughts on “She Who Believes”

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Hope. Isn’t it wonderful how our Darling Lord changes us, because years ago I would stress for weeks if something worried me and now I know as soon as I give it over I am going to experience His peace, that surpasses all understanding. And the best part is we just know our Darling Lord will work it out for our good.

    1. It’s a blessing to know that we have a loving Father and HH who cares for us and wants the best for us and no matter how it may look, is working things out for good.

  2. Matthew 11:29 NASB
    [29] Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
    Precious Hope…every day Our Beloved shows us that we have changed, and that His plans are higher than ours. We can rest next to Him, knowing how much He loves us and that every difficulty will come with a blessing to us. Thank you for sharing .

    1. Yes dear friend, It’s so comforting to know that our Beloved is always with us, guiding us through our journey. His love and plans for us are truly beyond our comprehension. πŸ₯°

  3. 🌹Hi hope, 🌹
    Thank you for your post. I haven’t worked in 3 years. During my prayers I asked our Beloved to give me a job at home. My EH cut back a lot on the shopping money but God allowed an uncle to contact me to make bags and I could even add the creations at his place and I would be paid at the end of the week. So, God takes care of us and he heard your prayer… You’ll see the work you’re looking for will come at a time when you don’t believe in it. You’ re bnn is HOPE.. 🌹Keep hope alive🌹

    1. It fills me with joy knowing that your prayers have been answered. It’s amazing how He guided your uncle to approach you with this opportunity. My middle name is also Hope, which he led me to use as my BNN. I believe He gave me this name for a reason.

      β€œLet your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in you alone” Ps 33:22

  4. Yes, Hope, I am in agreement, that at the right time, He will provide. He says it in His word, so you can believe it and we will believe with you.

    1. Thank you Yvonne for believing with me that He will provide at the perfect time. Together, we hold on to faith and know that He’s got us covered. 🌸

  5. Thank you dear Hope, after my children were born He started to place the desire in my heart to be able to work from home to be there for my children and be a homemaker / housewife. I used to pray and cry each time I dropped my children off at the nursery school. But years later He provided a way, so He will do it for you as well.

    1. Thank you. I love that He gave you the desire of your heart and I believe that He will bless me, if it’s His will. πŸ’•

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