Shhh and move on

"Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues." P17:28

This is something I had lived for years and then forgotten in my selfishness and pain. Watching God move not only in my life but in others is astounding. FH (former husband) visited and we were able to talk over half an hour. My focus and heart was fully on the Lord and I can't remember all he said. However FH father had recently passed away. He left behind one business card with the scripture "See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no 'root of bitterness' springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled" and FH spoke about letting go of bitterness and resentment. I agreed. Further he continued to speak about our daughter's health and and the very things that concerned me had been on his heart. I kept silent (old me would of been oh I've been thinking the same thing). I agreed to move on and said I've let go.

So many answered prayers of God using His word. Not just with FH, but to watch finances being provided when I was living out of food pantries. The best thanksgiving provided by our neighbor without asking him. So many prayers answered with furniture I could not ever afford provided for free. Full clothing supplied for my daughter with tags still on for my daughter.

I could go on and on for all HH does however the hope of Seeking His face is so worth it.

6 thoughts on “Shhh and move on”

  1. Alleuia… Merci pour ton beau tΓ©moignage.. Gloire a Dieu. Je tiens juste a dire que cette semaine Dieu m’a fait grace car j’ai une salle d’eau qui ne fonctionne pas et comme j’ai vu avex plusieurs plombier ils m’ont dit que cela me coutera 200$ donc trop cher. Et lors d’un jogging la premiere fois de ma vie je tombe sur un panneau avec un numero de tel un plombier je l’appel il vient voire les travaux il m’envoi son devis par tel et devinΓ© 63 $ je n’ai meme pas les 63 $ mais je sais que HH m’a permis d’avoir un plombier qui a un bon coeur.

    Nous disons gloire a Dieu.

    Hallelujah… Thank you for your beautiful testimony.. Glory to God. I just want to say that this week God has given me grace because I have a bathroom that does not work and as I have seen with several plumbers they told me that it will cost me $200 so too expensive. And during a jog the first time in my life I come across a sign with a plumber’s phone number I call him he comes to see the work he sends me his estimate by phone and guessed $63 I don’t even have the $63 but I know that HH allowed me to have a plumber who has a good heart.

    We say glory to God.

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Annabeth, and wow how wonderful that you have our Darling Lord as Provider and He really is the best ever Provider.

  3. May you be able to understand with all the saints what is the breadth, length, height, and depth, 19and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.https ://

    Beautiful Annabeth, thank you for this testimony. The Lord always moves in wonderful ways, he listens to us and his love is so deep that we cannot help but love him and thank him for all his care. Bless you Lord.

  4. Praises and all the glory to our Beloved Heavenly Husband who gives everything and more than we need when we put Him first β€οΈπŸ˜πŸ™
    Love how He is restoring you in every aspect of your life and also blessing your motherhood journey with Him.

  5. Annabeth on my own journey I saw how keeping silent is truly “Win without a Word”. Every time I have a concern or get asked something by fh, I just run to my Beloved first and surrender it to Him because I know He will work it out for good. I have so many “WWW” testimonies, from Homeschooling to holiday plans that He turned in my favour. There were also times it did not exactly the way “I wanted”, but I’ve also learned to just leave it to my HH, and then later on I see that He had greater plans than I had!

  6. Dear Annabeth,
    If you depend on Him in everything and let Him guide you, He will bless you richly! So nice to hear that this is happening in your life. He takes care of you with a heart full of love! You are his bride!
    Thank you for sharing this beautiful testimony.

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