Start children off on the way they should go

While attending the fellowships, I heard brides say that they wish they had the Restore Your Marriage or Wise Woman books earlier, how they wished they knew the principles earlier, maybe it could have prevented the separation / divorce / losing custody. I also used to wonder about it, could things have turned out differently if I had the resources earlier or knew the principles earlier and didn’t make so many mistakes? Don’t get me wrong, where I am at now with my HH is exactly where I want to be, what I desire and what I long for. Nothing can compare to His love, joy and peace that fills me and my life every single day. I thank Him for my journey every day because its soooooo worth it. Every tear, every trail is what brought me to this amazing and beautiful place with Him and I want nothing else!

Going through my own divorce and seeing my children suffer broke my heart and added to the heartbreak I already went through, and I felt so hopeless knowing that they too experience the heartache and pain caused by us making so many mistakes. Not only that, my daughter was bullied by another girl and my heart broke for her, being at the start of my own journey I was able to teach her some of the principles like being kind and gentle, to understand that the girl might also be going through something difficult in her life, to treat her with love regardless and to not to resist, and big was my surprise when later on they became best friends!

Almost 2 years after my journey started, I proofed the Afrikaans resources for children, that can be found on (, and I realized that this is what all children need to not make the same mistakes we did, everything we may have wished we knew through different situations in our life’s. It is valuable resources for us to use to minister and teach our children to become young Wise Men and young Wise Women.

We can prepare our children through these resources, so they know the principles one day when they get married / start working or go out into the world. To teach them how much their Heavenly Father loves them and that He is always with them, protecting them, ready to fill them with His love and to heal, comfort and guide them through every situation they may go through, whether it’s our separation / divorce / meeting the other person / or having to live in two separate households / friends rejecting them / facing bullying or just having the wisdom to know how to deal with different situations. Also, to teach them about keeping all His promises safe in their hearts and wait for the appointed time, to teach them how to be in His word daily and what a close relationship with their Heavenly Father looks like.

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.” P226

I would like to encourage every mother to visit where you will find amazing stories and lessons written to build your children’s faith and to teach them how to be a Wise Woman and a Wise Man. My Prince of Peace for him and her are amazing lessons to help them to deal with and heal from hurt and pain that can be caused by many different situasions, to meet their Prince of Peace. While I proofed all these lessons in Afrikaans, I took away so much from these lessons and stories and share them with my children who are still young, being sensitive to opportunities and situations He shows me to teach them and how and when they can apply it in their lives. While you use these resources to minister to your children, you yourself will also learn so much and be blessed by what you read and learn from the resources.

And also post your praises on HomeGrownMinistries about how the resources helped you to minister to your children!

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3 thoughts on “Start children off on the way they should go”

  1. This is a wonderful praise, reminding me that I also wanted to look into the children’s resources to read with my daughters. Thank you 😊

  2. How beautiful praise Adina! It is encouraging for me, while I am not a mother now but I am enjoying being an aunt. But especially I praise the Lord because you are teaching your children with your testimony, your words are very important, but they are looking to your example and they will go through your leading while they see that you do all that you say to them. And in the middle of your journey, you were able to teach them all that with your attitudes and actions. I remember a lot of things that my father (who died) said to me but I always remember what he did and how he responded in different situations, so thank you for sharing my dear.

  3. Thank you, Anastasia, yes, we remember the actions of our parents, or grandparents, and how they handled situations, some of my fondest childhood memories is my dad reading us not only stories before bedtime, but also Bible stories. He had a whole routine each night, first a story, then a piece from an encyclopaedia and then Bible stories and prayer. And although things changed a lot later years, those are the memories I treasure. Also, the memories of going to church as a family.

    I will never forget how my grandparents had Bible study each night and taught us many valuable lessons through that, and also taking us to church on Sunday’s when we visited them over holidays.

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