Sunday Study on Living Lesson “Delighted”

β€œBut his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night.” Ps1:2-3

This week's Living Lesson study is Delighted. Delighted is defined as to be very happy because of, or to enjoy very much.

I want to encourage you all to ask your Beloved for a verse and meditate on it morning and night this entire week. Put in on an index card, print it off, or add it to your phone. As soon as you wake up, meditate on it and right before you go to sleep.

I have learned that God's laws are not meant to restrict us, but to protect us. They are like an invisible gate of protection surrounding us, keeping us safe from harm. When we violate these laws, it is only because we detest them. However, it is important to remember that laws are set in place for our own good. By following them, we can DELIGHT ourselves in the Lord and meditate on His law day and night. This will help us to prosper in everything we do.

Please visit and study Come back and share in the comments what you have learned. πŸ’•


3 thoughts on “Sunday Study on Living Lesson “Delighted””

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Hope, I learned that the law is there to protect us and that is tis only when we violate laws that we detest them. Wow He is surrounding us with His protection and favor.

    I took my troubles to the LORD; I cried out to him, and he answered my prayer. P120:1

  2. Thank you, dear Hope, for sharing this lesson. Being quite rebellious all through my life up until I found RMI, and my journey started, I saw how it can cause so much harm and destruction in our lives. On this journey I realized how His laws protect us, how the Biblical principles can turn situations around for good if we follow them with a heart filled with His love and peace. Life is just so much easier and full of joy and peace if we embrace His laws and principles.

    “Those who love Your Law have great peace, And nothing causes them to stumble. “(;NIV;KJV;NKJV)

  3. MerΓ§i ma soeur bien aimΓ©e pour ce message, cela vient me confirmΓ© que mon MC tiens a ce que j’apprene ses lois…depuis que j’ai lu job 38 Dieu oΓ» nous demande si nous connaissons les lois des cieux et de la terre pour pouvoir commender l’aurore…cela est devenu ma preocupation, et j’ai pris la decision depuis ce vendredi de lire ma bible depuis la genese , cette fois ci en demandant l’aide du Saint Esprit pour me donner l’intelligence de comprendre.πŸ™Œ

    Thank you my beloved sister for this message, it confirms to me that my MC wants me to learn his laws… Ever since I read Job 38, God asks us if we know the laws of heaven and earth so that we can tell the dawn… This became my preoccupation, and I made the decision since this Friday to read my Bible from Genesis, this time asking for the help of the Holy Spirit to give me the intelligence to understand. πŸ™Œ

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