Take a Real Rest

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion [performing good works in order to please others]? Come to me. Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly" (Matthew 11:29-30 Message).

I just want to share the above verse from one of the most popular posts on LoveAtLast this week, "When Do I Give Up?"

Do you need rest?

Do you need to leave the sorrow behind?

Are the burden you are carrying becoming to heavy for you, and you feel like giving up?

Are you weary of trying yourself, and everything you tried just seemed to make things worse?

Then "GIVE UP" AND GIVE the burden to your Heavenly Husband who is just waiting to carry it for you.

"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light"

Please read Erin's comment on this post, I love how she shared that "giving UP is her favorite thing to do" https://loveatlast.org/when-do-i-give-up-lal-ch-4/#comment-2297

Let your Heavenly Husband carry all your burdens, let Him fight for you, while you rest in His loving arms in green pastures.

A week ago I took one day off to just be with my Heavenly Husband and to rest in His loving arms, and that one day with Him recharged me so much that it felt like I was on a holiday!

5 thoughts on “Take a Real Rest”

  1. Thank you for sharing dear Adina, I love this part the most: Then “GIVE UP” AND GIVE the burden to your Heavenly Husband who is just waiting to carry it for you. Just last night I was searching for places to stay when my parents come and stay with me and the places are so expensive and while searching my HH said I must leave it, because He will handle it and it was there that I just gave up, so I can’t wait to come with a testimony on how my Darling just made a way.

  2. Agree with Janine “Give it up” AND GIVE the burden to your Heavenly Man.
    The summer vacation has started. The children will be with me for a total of three weeks. The weather overview shows that there will be a lot of rain, which means that things will have to be done indoors. I have two active boys who like to do something. Many around me go on vacation, which my children would also like. And of course I know that my Beloved can provide that for me but what I suddenly thought is that maybe that is not what (going on vacation) is what is needed for me and my children. That need must be filled in our own opinion because it is normal to pack our bags and leave during the holidays. At the thought I already look doubtful and I couldn’t find anything that was good to go to. So yesterday while I was busy and talking to Him I also gave Him the holiday planning again. Let him lead and organize it. What a weight lifted off my shoulders. I wonder what He will come up with for me and my children. It will be a great holiday 🫶🤩🥳

  3. This message has been the real BOOST I needed after losing Sara. I’m much quicker to give up and then HIS PERFECT PLAN arrives that’s something easy light and I would have eventually discovered after becoming worn out and THEN giving up!! Be sure to join the conversation on LOVE

  4. This post really describes me… I had  that overwhelming sense of GIVING Up of doing things for me, for the running houseshores, for eh, for muy mom, for all… I can’t cope with this and He knew it.
    I read the post last night at midnight. Honestly I didn’t pay too much attention on the verse at the beginning… I was so tired and wanted to go to the ‘content’. My eyes just get some words at a glance and run to read something else.
    He stops me. Suddenly I realize that I had already read this before. I checked for a second chance this post. Shame on me! I read Take a Real Test, no a Real Rest. 🤭 And being tired the last thing I want to do is to take a test I told myself. Sounds funny but the next thing was what let me know HE is really merciful: the same verse appears twice in different places.
    I thought He was trying to say: stop and look at me and learn the unforced rhythm of GRACE.
    That made me teary eyed.
    Thanks for reminding me of my Heavenly Husband carrying ALL my burdens. I keep learning (by reading this reminders) how to rest in His arms.

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