Thank you my Love for supporting me!!!

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23

I want to praise my Beloved Lord for His great love and mercy. I tell you that I have gone through some difficult weeks, situations which I can only overcome by taking refuge in my Beloved.

And I come here not to complain or tell Him about the bad times but to testify how wonderful it is to have a Best Friend who loves us unconditionally and is always there for us.

I come here to tell my Beloved Lord that thank you for always helping me and never, ever leaving me alone. That as His word says, even in my weaknesses He is glorified.

I want to praise my Beloved and thank Him for staying in this ministry. Every time I have situations, and I ask my Beloved which path to take, everything I have learned here and what I am still learning comes to me, and because everything is based on His word.
I must never stray from my Lord, even when I believe that He is far from me, I must not be fooled, only He knows everything about me and knows what I need.

A few days ago, speaking with one of my prayer and encouragement companions, she testified how in different situations the Lord has been faithful, and she cried with joy when speaking of the greatness of the Lord.

Also, yesterday in the meetings that we do every Monday to read the book A Wise Woman, a lady came to our meeting looking for help for her situation and each one of us only told her how only our Beloved Lord is the one who can help and guide us. We recommended the book How GOD Can and Will Restore Your Marriage, (since my companions have it and know the ministry, because I have spoken to them) and in that way we laughed at ourselves about how we have passed through the valley, and we can sing victory for the faithfulness of our Beloved Lord.


4 thoughts on “Thank you my Love for supporting me!!!”

  1. Gracias por este hermoso testimonio. La semana pasada fue realmente difícil pero confié en nuestro querido porque él nunca tarda en cumplir su palabra.

    En los momentos difíciles, cojo una hoja de papel y apunto todos los beneficios, pero hay una lección que aplico cada mañana.
    Y esta terapia es realmente fascinante porque es la misma en nuestras dificultades y alabado sea nuestro Amado por la ayuda que le dio a esta señora.

    Psalmos 146. 1-2

    ¡Alabad al Señor! ¡Alaba al Señor, alma mía!

    2 Alabaré al Señor mientras viva; daré gracias a mi Dios mientras viva.

  2. Nelly, I feel the same way. It’s amazing to have Him as our Best Friend, One who loves us without any conditions and is always there for us. We are blessed to have His presence in our lives.
    Also, I’m happy to hear that you have such helpful friends who pray for you and encourage you. I’m glad you’ve been able to share your experiences and help uplift one another. ❤

  3. Thank you for sharing precious Nelly, it is really the best ever to have a Best Friend right beside us. So many times in my life I feel people don’t understand me, especially because I am such a sensitive person and this week I felt it a bit more, but it is really so comforting to just know and feel that He understands me.

  4. Dear Nelly, I was just walking down the street and I was telling my Beloved that very thing. All the trials, everything that happens to me, without You and RMI, I would not have been able to do it. He is truly faithful, and loves us so much that He turned His gaze to us to have Mercy.
    All the glory and praise be to our Beloved, who is great and Powerful, and who always takes care of us.
    Thank you for sharing, beautiful.

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