Thankful Therapy for our Kids!!!

My sweet brides, these days I have been aware on how our precious daughters and sons are suffering from social pressure!!
They feel ugly, unadequate, they need approval from their pairs and want to have the perfect bodies, personalities and best pic on social media.
I am a direct witness of this new social pressure, because my daughter Bethia who is turning 16 in few weeks, tell me how much pressure she feels to be perfect!!
Praise the Lord, and even though she fall short as all we do, she has her Heavenly Father to go to, and she knows how much she is by Him, because He has giiven her a lot of proof of that!!
She told me yesterday that she receive a speech in her highschool about depression and suicide due to one of students there that committed suicide a couple months ago!!
The Lord spoke to my heart after reading this amazing praise in HGM blog:

And then Erin wrote another praise:

That is why I want to present to you this new page to help our children if they are experiencing sadness or feeling unloved:
Please come and read it and leave a precious comment!!
And donยดt forget to share!!๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ

6 thoughts on “Thankful Therapy for our Kids!!!”

  1. Thank you for sharing Isabella, I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to homeschool my children. It does of course not shelter them from everything, but it does give me the opportunity to speak to them more often about how we should be so much different than what we see in the world.

    1. It does make a huge difference to homeschool, they are protected of so many things!! Itยดs a truly blessing to teach them to be grateful!! And that they are so love and apprecited by their Heavenly Father!!!
      This chapter, โ€œLove Coversโ€ will also help us on this journey:
      Show your kids love always!!

  2. Dear Isabella thank you for sharing. Indeed as mothers, we need to be aware of the signs that our children show and even more so seek the protection of their Heavenly Father.

    There is a lot of pressure on young people these days and social media is a trap, selling illusions and lies.

    Our role is to teach our children the Truth, the Path they should follow and encourage them to always have a close relationship with their Heavenly Father.

  3. Thank you Isabella. Indeed, our children going to study abroad can go through situations that we would like to avoid. I am sorry that I cannot homeschool Brincy, but I am resting in her Heavenly Father who is watching over her mind and heart. I’m so grateful to my Husband for helping me keep her heart warm with her love, because that’s what she lives for. Today I can look at her and see a truly joyful and happy teenager, because she knows she has a Heavenly Father who loves her with an incomparable love. My wish is that she transmits This Love through her life, to all the teenagers who live with her.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿปโค๏ธ

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