♕ Today's Promise: “Speak kindly . . . call out to her, that her warfare has ended, that her iniquity has been removed, that she has received of the LORD'S hand DOUBLE for all her sins.” Isaiah 40:2
☊ PR Podcast Olivia
Dear Brides, life seems to "just happen." But that's not the truth, we can allow life to just happen or we can decide to do something about it and take our lives back. We can come before Him and lay it all down or we can continue to walk on the path that we have been "given" and let life just happen.
For years, everyone in my family would come to me with their issues and problems. I did not understand why I had felt so stressed and run down all the time. It was affecting me and even with my own family but I had no clue. The stresses of my siblings, their families and their drama.
Then one day, I took a step back and said "I don't want to know." Again, I had not realized what was going on with me or why I was feeling the way I was feeling. After taking this step back, I have not looked back.
It was only until I started this journey and I looked back I realized what exactly took place. My Heavenly Husband stepped in and took over the situation. I can now look back and see that my Heavenly Husband's hand removed this stress and the pressures I was feeling from my family. The added weight was lifted.
I know now that since that time my Heavenly Husband stepped in, I feel different. To this day, I do NOT know the details of my family. I do NOT ask questions, other than small talk. It leaves me with the opportunity to check in and just pray for them.
Other's "issues" are not my "problem." Meaning I am not to carry their burdens on my shoulders. What is building up, are their burdens to grow their family or faith, therefore, it does not need to enter into my atmosphere and enter into my home. Instead of being pulled into the details of all that someone might want to tell me and being pulled into their burdens, all I am expected to do is lift them up in prayer and leave them in God's hands. He is the Only One that can take care of their burdens any way. And He is the only one that knows all of the details and knows what to do for it all.
Pray with me: My Love help me to not participate in the drama and details of others. Help me as well to not share and over share what is NOT meant for others to hear, for it all belongs to You. Help me to speak less and hear You more. Help me to NOT participate in the gossip which can be covered up by calling it "prayer requests." Amen
Dear Brides, we are prone to take on others burdens. If we are not careful, the burdens of others become our burdens and we bring it into our homes. After reading this lesson, Chapter 12 “Every Encumbrance”, it is an eye opener in realizing how true this is. We are often put in the position of fixing other people's problems/burdens when that could be the very thing that God is using to reach that person. It could be the very thing that God is using to grow that person. We are not to step in the way of what God is doing. We are to lift them up in prayer and then get out of the way.
This book Living the Abundant Life is an eye opening experience to create and deepen the foundation of the life our Heavenly Husband has for us. This is a "solid" foundation, grounded in truth.
“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners…” Psalm 1:1 ESV.
“Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith . . .” Hebrews 12:1–2
~ Olivia in California
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