The Creator’s Club

“See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind. But be glad and rejoice forever in what I will create, for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight and its people a joy. 65:17-18

Dear brides this week has been exhausting  week for me as  I prepare  for The Creator's Club.

At Creator's Club, our  vision (Me and Him) is to create a vibrant community where faith and fitness converge to inspire holistic well-being and abundant living. Guided by this vision, our mission is to empower Christians  to nourish their bodies, minds, and spirits through the timeless principles of biblical nutrition and the invigorating joy of Zumba classes.

It has been a big journey, I need to rely on our Beloved doing the things,He is the one giving the wisdom and showing the steps and sometimes I am a bit  careless.

It has been an  journey , because it really challenges me to come out of my comfort zone and just do  it , many times I am a little bit to afraid of doing mistakes and think  have I got all that is required to do all this?  But I feel so encouraged everytime I do it.

Zumba kids Classes really taught me and the kids to obey, many times I am tired and I have got so much to do, and because I am doing it together with the kids, even though Zumba is a great tool because is very fun and engaging for the kids sometimes I think will the boys want to do it all the time?

Once boys  came from school and they were hungry , but the Lord wants us to do it first, or sometimes He ask us to do 2 classes per day, but we have been learning a lot  with the Creator, my son once  said, this is really action bible. The bible became alive and we feel  His presence with us when we are doing it, and we   are learning to obey, even when is hard, even when we  are tired even when hungry  and crying sometimes  he wants us to just do it and obey. It feels like a good training for them. ( Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it prov 22:26)

It took me a while to  start Zumba kids because it involves planning and having all the games in place and the materials and energy and I envisioned all ready and perfect but the Lord just wanted me to go when I am there doing it He give ideas of games, he chooses the bible passages and provided some books which I use to take some ideas for games, making things light and easy, without Him I would n't be able to start, I am glad that I did even without  having all things in place like I envisioned.

My older son, is starting to engaged in the bible more now, by reading it without me telling him to do so and he enjoys it a bit more too, now and sees the bible in a different way. Its really the work of the Holy Spirit glory to God.

And they enjoy eating healthy food a bit more too now.I also teach  a bit nutrition in class,.In one class I was teaching the importance of eating vegetables with the story of Daniel and in the action bible Daniel win the babylonians  in a race because he ate his vegetables (obeyed the Lord) and we did a race as game for this class  and there was a bowl of salad on our table, my child ate the all bowl of salad I laughed , but it also made me think  we are much more willing to obey (eat our vegetables) when we know and understand that this is the way to be rewarded and  to win in life.

At the moment we are practising a lot at home, but this week we are moving forward in bringing The Creator's Club  Zumba to our friends and community. Sounds like a lot of fun and work, but we are looking forward to it.

I am teaching the same biblical Nutrition principles to adults to in my Nutrition programs and it is so amazing that I am learning and remembering many of the principles that are similar with those on the  Abundant Life book and Workers@Home—Making the Most of Your Time book, also teachings on the Fear of the Lord. The Lord in His grace  is helping me to understand the bible in a new way through  the work that I am doing in Nutrition and Zumba . Preparing me for greater things. As I prepare to teach  he is teaching me first, as I read and gain understanding I am then able to really grasp the things that He might have been telling me or told me  to do , but I often forget to do. Its a double blessing. It does take a lot of work, but this is what he wants me to do.

This is also my  job sometimes I think  if there will be many Christians willing to pay for what I do? Sometimes I am a bit scared to ask for money,  and I end up procrastinating on things that he is calling me to do which are plans to prosper me and give me a good future.

This week I am also taking a leap of faith in bringing awareness to my family, friends and community about the Creator's Cub.





10 thoughts on “The Creator’s Club”

  1. Naomi, que hermoso como obra el Señor. Combinar Su Palabra con estas actividades, me parece tan innovador. Estoy segura que todo sera exitoso, y traera muchos frutos a tu vida.

    Naomi, how beautiful the Lord works. Combining His Word with these activities seems so innovative to me. I am sure that everything will be successful, and will bring many fruits to your life.

    1. Dear Liza
      Thank you. Is true The Lord is really amazing and I really enjoy the combination. The Holy Spirit has new ways of doing things, and it is great that he invites us to partner with Him. He is great

  2. How wonderful, being led by the Lord in such a way! He will be the One who does all the work and pulls it all together, like you said, just trust and obey! Praising Him that your boys are getting on board too! He’s so wonderful!

    1. That’s great that we can follow Him where is leading, Tt is adventurous . Definitely he is great, praying that my heart remains always loyal to him, and the boys remain fully engaged.

      But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Ruth 1:16

  3. My sweet Naomi wow! This is such a gift!! A huge opportunity to put into action evwrything you are learning and getting close to you kids is a huge blessing. Our bodies are Our Beloved’s temple and taking care of it is sometjing we need to teach our children, especially in this era of fast food and nothing real.
    Thank you for this encouraging praise and I hope you share more. You are so blessed mama keep going in this journey with Him 🎉

    1. I am also so grateful that He made a way for me to enjoy more time with the boys, and preach the word to them while doing Zumba. Yes getting them moving also helps them get moving in obedience.
      They do enjoy learning nutrition too is all fun for them.
      Thank you for being a encouraging mama.
      “That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children”
      Titus 2:4

  4. Thank you Noami for sharing how your Beloved is using you and your talents to spread His word!

    1. Thank you Adina. He is great! And I enjoy it, It’s double blessing, because I get to learn to and spend more time reading his word.

  5. This is really amazing Naomi! I loved to read about how your son is reading the bible 🙌 And of course to have an Abundant life means to follow His lead and have a better life by His side!
    And the name “Creator’s Club” is great ❣️

  6. Praying that my son keeps repeating it. We are all learned to love the Lord, by loving His word.
    I never thought of that, that’s right we have a abundant life when we follow His lead, thank you for remembering me.
    Its is amazing in the Creator’s Club we see creation in a new way , It is amazing how the creation speaks a lot about Jesus, the Word and the holy Spirit, I wasn’t aware of that before. Its a new way of thinking and new way of doing things.
    “Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised up out from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we also should walk in newness of life” Romans 6:4

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