The Freedom Of Truly Letting Go

"You have searched me, LORD, and you know me." Psalm 139:1-3

Hello Brides,
Yesterday I had a conversation with my former Spouse. He's facing some serious troubles at his work and in his life. He's being accused of things and during our conversation he started accusing me of being the same contentious woman that I used to be. I started to defend myself saying that I am not that person anymore, but my Beloved stopped me and told me I don't have to do that anymore. So, I didn't continue, and I stayed quiet. I want to share how My Beloved used this upsetting conversation to reveal my heart to me.

After the conversation, I couldn't believe he said those things and still thought of me in such a way after 5 years of the Lord transforming me and making me new. The woman I used to be is so far gone that it was stange to hear him say those things to me and describe me that way. The look on his face was so hurtful. I felt totally hopeless. But my Beloved took that away in an instant and covered the lies with His truth. First, I shouldn't have been hoping to impress him or anyone with my new job at all. He brought to attention that my heart was expecting to hear good reactions when I tell him and others. That's not the reason my Beloved blessed me with this job for. I've asked my Beloved for forgiveness of that.

I realize I am free and forgiven. I'm not that woman that my former spouse described anymore. I am a new creation. I realize all the things my Beloved has done for me, in me and through me. I am blessed, loved unconditionally, forgiven and saved and I don't have to explain it to anyone. My Beloved will reveal things about me to whomever and whenever He decides to open their eyes and see.

I was filled with so much love and forgiveness after that conversation. That I am able to give what I receive from Him to others, especially those who try to offend and hurt me. My Beloved Lord is amazing.

I also realize, I don't want to have a restored marriage anymore. I don't want that marriage back again. It's dead and gone. I just want my Beloved Lord.

You're all I want...I don't want him anymore
You're all I need...I don't need him anymore
You're all I live for....I don't live for him anymore.

I doesn't matter what my former spouse thinks of me. He knows nothing about me. The new creation You've made me, the new life You've given me and the new heart You've healed. You've removed this heart of stone and replaced it with a heart of flesh.

No longer do I need former spouse to forgive me and see me differently because my Beloved forgives me and has made me different. I don't need his courtesy or respect because I have my Beloved who treats me like His treasure. I don't need him to praise me for my works because with my Beloved I don't have to work for His affection. I don't need his love anymore because my Beloved Lord loves me with a perfect, unconditional love.

I'm exactly where He want me to be. I am good enough for Him. I am precious to Him. I am valued and treasured. I am the bride of the One True King. You are my True Love. You are My Everything. I only want Him and I am His Thank You for removing people and things from my life. Thank You for removing the desire for my former spouse and a restored marriage and replacing it with only needing, wanting and desiring Him alone. You are the Protector of my heart and only You know all good things for me. Whether through the dessert or in a garden, wherever You will lead me, I will follow. 💗

7 thoughts on “The Freedom Of Truly Letting Go”

  1. Bonjour ma chere Rubis,
    Merci pour ton blog. Pendant des mois je n’arrivais pas a lacher prise sur mon Eh dans mon coeur je luttais je revais que je me battais avec lui. Et j’ai commencé a Demander pardon a notre cheri pour ses rêves qui m’a fait que non seulement je ne l’avais pas pardonné mais que je n’avais pas lacher prise. Je repondais toujours a ses appels quand il venait a la maison je m’asseyais avec lui pour prendre un thé ou je croisais son regard remplit de questions ou je le voyais mettre sa main sur sa tete et j’ai commencé a fuire ses moments la. Car je ne voulais plus voire son visage.

    J’ai demandé a Dieu d’effacer de ma memoire son visage quand il repart c’est comme une vapeur. Et j’oublie son visage et meme du jour il est venu a la maison.
    Mais un jour il m’a appelé et je ne ressentais plus l’envi de prendre ses appels quand il est venait voir les enfants je m’eclipsais pour ne pas a rester dans sa presence.

    Je me reveille chaque matin en disant les memes phrases a mon coeur :

    🌹Tu es tout ce dont j’ai besoin🌹
    🌹Tu es tout ce que j’ai🌹
    🌹Tu es le meilleur epoux que j’ai🌹
    🌹Tu es le père de mes enfants🌹
    🌹Tu es mon banquier, mon pourvoyeur, mon consolateur, mon conseiller, mon boss, mon frere, mon ami, mais avant tout tu es ❤️MON COEUR❤️ car c’est comme ca qu’il veut que je l’appelle a present ❤️MON COEUR❤️

    Hello my dear Ruby,
    Thank you for your blog. For months I could not let go of my Eh in my heart I fought I dreamed that I was fighting with him. And I started to ask forgiveness from our darling for his dreams that made me not only that I had not forgiven him but that I had not let go. I always answered his calls when he came home I sat with him to have tea where I met his gaze filled with questions or I saw him put his hand on his head and I started to flee those moments. Because I did not want to see his face anymore.

    I asked God to erase his face from my memory when he leaves it is like a vapor. And I forget his face and even from the day he came home.
    But one day he called me and I didn’t feel like taking his calls anymore when he came to see the kids I would slip away so as not to stay in his presence.

    I wake up every morning saying the same sentences to my heart:

    🌹You are all I need🌹
    🌹You are all I have🌹
    🌹You are the best husband I have🌹
    🌹You are the father of my children🌹
    🌹You are my banker, my provider, my comforter, my advisor, my boss, my brother, my friend, but above all you are ❤️MY HEART❤️ because that’s what he wants me to call him now ❤️MY HEART❤️

  2. I love to hear when us ladies put the Lord first and finally can feel his love enough that we don’t need to worry about anyone else’s opinion and that we don’t need anyone else’s approval or validation but His. 💕

  3. Thank you for sharing this beautiful praise report precious Rasa. It is so lovely to see what our Darling Lord is doing.
    “The LORD himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” E14:14

    “Do not be afraid; you will not be put to shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood. For your Maker is your husband—the Lord Almighty is his name—the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth. The Lord will call you back as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit—a wife who married young, only to be rejected,” says your God. “For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back. In a surge of anger I hid my face from you for a moment, but with everlasting kindness I will have compassion on you,” says the Lord your Redeemer.” I54:4-8

  4. Dear Ruby, I recognize what you are experiencing with your ex-husband. I was also reminded by him many times of all my mistakes and my weaknesses in raising the children. I also felt the urge to defend myself and to tell him that He changed me. Every time my Heavenly Man stopped me and taught me that I had to quickly agree with my opponent. My children could not understand why I reacted like that and why my ex-husband raged against me like that. I could also tell them that it does not matter to me what he says about me. God knows my heart and knows who I am. He loves me. It does not matter what others think about you.

    Every time this happens I am so grateful that He removed my ex-husband from my life to change me completely. A life with Him as Heavenly Man is amazing.
    Thank you for this wonderful praise!!

  5. As I read this I was shared some similar news about my spouse with things not working well, and at times I get sorry like I used to at first then I remember that, it is part of his journey, mostlikely part of His plan, so all I can do is pray for Him, that He may find God as his soul savoiur and healer so he can live in peace. Pray and let it go in His hand He is the best care -taker. And that the thoughts of me not being good enough for Him is from the enemy I am Wonderfuly made!Wonderfuly designed! by my Beloved and He doesnt make mistakes, I am lovely in his eye and loved and thats how I see my self. He has become ALL I NEED, Want and live For. thank you for sharing and reminding me who is at the other side of my mirror who is my reflection!

  6. Dear Ruby Thank you for sharing
    This is so similar with me, this week after so long I also found out that, my spouse still don’t think good of me. I was disturbed for a while and sad. But my beloved remembered me that I need to be content in having just Him, and let go of my disire to be restored . There is power in contentment.

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