'When Moses' arms grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him so that he could sit on it. Then Aaron and Hur held his arms, one the left and the other the right, and thus Moses was able to hold them steady until sunset. ' Exodus 17:12
Dear Brides, this PR is a thank you to my Lord, for everything He shows me every day through every RMI resource, every testimony, every reading. Like Moses, these have been the hands that have held me. They have kept me from giving up, they have kept me from becoming the contentious woman I was.
I want to encourage you, not to faint, no matter how hard the test may be, because in my case, sometimes, I feel like I can't take it anymore, but then He gives me a Word, he gives me a devotional, and reading His Journey gives me strength. and I get up again.
We are here to encourage, to give the comfort that Our Beloved has given us, therefore, surrender yourself alone on your knees before Him, surrender your burdens, your fatigues to Him. Don't look back, like Paul, we must only look forward, and the call He has for each one of us.
I want to tell you, dear Bride, that you are not alone, that you have many hands that will lift you up, just spend time here, search and He will guide you to that lesson or that testimony that will make you get up again and follow the path, together with Him. May He help you. Blessed are you and this Ministry, for being the hands that hold us.
Queridas Novias, este TA es un agradecimiento a mi Señor, por todo lo que Él me muestra cada día a través de cada recurso de RMI, cada testimonio, cada lectura. Como Moisés, estas han sido las manos que me han sostenido. Me han sostenido de rendirme, me han sostenido de convertirme en la mujer contenciosa que era.
Quiero animarlas, a no desmayar, por más dura que sea la prueba, porque en mi caso a veces, siento que ya no aguanto más, pero entonces Él me da una Palabra, me da un devocional, y leer su Trayectoria, me da fuerzas y me levanto de nuevo.
Estamos aquí para animar, para dar el consuelo que Nuestro Amado nos ha dado, por eso, entrégate solo de rodillas delante de Él, entrégale tus cargas, tus fatigas. No mires atrás, como Pablo, solo debemos mirar hacia adelante, y el llamado que Él tiene para cada uno.
Quiero decirte, querida Novia, que no estás sola, que tienes muchas manos que te levantarán, sólo pasa tiempo aquí, busca y Él te guiará a esa lección o a ese testimonio que te hará levantarte de nuevo y seguir el camino, junto a Él. Que Él te ayude. Bendita seas tú y este Ministerio, por ser las manos que nos sostienen.
Thank you for sharing precious Liza, I totally agree, my Darling Lord also encourages me through the lessons and testimonies, every time the right one at the right time, because He just knows what He is doing!
THank you dear Liza, your praise reminded me of my promise for the week: ‘They that hope in the L ord will renew their strength, they will soar on eagles’ wings; They will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint.’ Isaiah 40:31 (https://www.bible.com/bible/463/ISA.40.31).
When I feel weary, I just hold on to this promise and that my strength comes from my Beloved:
I have the strength for everything through him who empowers me. Philippians 4:13 (https://www.bible.com/bible/463/php.4.13)
but he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” I will rather boast most gladly of my weaknesses, in order that the power of Christ may dwell with me.
2 Corinthians 12:9 (https://www.bible.com/bible/463/2co.12.9)
Your words are a great example of how faith and His love can give us strength. It’s great to hear how the RMI resources and stories have helped you. Life can be tough, and yes, sometimes we may feel overwhelmed but I am thankful He gives us each other to encourage and lift each other up. 💕
Liza totally agree, many ministers are not here anymore but when I began He made sure He gave me the hands I needed through this ministry to hold up my hands, when I needed it the most, and still does, Thansk RMI and thatn You LORD for showing me the way to your peace and love, you are my strength.
It happens so often to me that I read the right lessons and testimonies at the right time. Words are not enough to explain how grateful I am that my Heavenly Husband brought me here. It has completely changed my life! I feel supported by Him, through RMI He gives me special educational lessons and beautiful brides to support me on this journey.
Liza thank you for your words. Indeed this ministry led us to know our Beloved, and to trust Him. That changed our lives. We are growing in our knowledge og who He is! These resources helped me understand that the more time I spend praying, feeding on His promises, my life changes.