The Lord Stopped The Process

"No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongueย which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. Thisย isย the heritage of the servants of theย Lord, and their righteousnessย is from Me,โ€ says theย Lord." I54:17

April 2024 is when I agreed to sign the divorce papers after I had starting reading the facing divorce course and How God can and will restore your marriage book and course. I was determined to work the principles and face the divorce unafraid . Today in July 2024, I checked the mailbox . There was a letter from the judge stating that he was not going to approve the divorce. So there has been a current stop in the process . I am very grateful and I give the Lord all the glory and the praise .

4 thoughts on “The Lord Stopped The Process”

  1. Our Beloved sees your heart Beonkas. You are doing a wonderful way of showing Him how much you long to follow Him and His ways. This is all He really wants from all of us to long for Him and Him alone.

  2. How wonderful ๐Ÿฅฐ Keep spending time with Him, your life will be forever changed and His blessings will always be with you.

  3. Blessed be the Name of the Lord, HE never Fails, keep being intimate with Him, everyone will see His blessing in your life!

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