♕ Today's Promise: "The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life." John 10:10
~ Isabella in Costa Rica
I am so excited to see how the Lord uses us in a wonderful way to touch the lives of other wonderful women.
The previous Saturday was the 5th birthday of my twin daughters and a family that was very close to us invited us to dinner to celebrate their birthday. My sister had the plan to buy a cake with ice cream to sing to them that day, so we all went to eat and celebrate with this beautiful family of Venezuelans.
In the morning of that day, I felt the need to pray for this family and in the evening my Beloved was going to reveal to me why.
After dinner the spouses went to talk outside the house, the children and young people were outside playing passionately under the moonlight and the women in the kitchen were talking and cleaning up the mess.
At that moment my Venezuelan friend began to cry without stopping and to tell me the reason for her immense bitterness!! She and her family have been in Costa Rica for 4 years after the Lord ordered them to flee!!! They obeyed, but as a result, they left their entire family behind, and due to the terrible situation that this country has, they have lost 5 members of their family due to Covid and other diseases, since in this country, food and medicines are scarce!!
In these moments my mind clicked and I understood that the Lord had taken me there to ease the burdens of my dear friend, sharing with her the wonders of the Abundant Life that I learned in this wonderful ministry.
I began to give her my testimony of ABUNDANT LIFE and how my Beloved had become real, and the Lord of my life, and how I had learned through this ministry to release all of into His loving hands!!
I explained that she did not have to bear the pain and guilt of leaving her family behind her. The Lord had always been in control of this situation and had a plan to always help her!! I was able to explain to her with my testimonies that releasing all of her situations into His loving hands changed my life and that through His love and His promises my life had changed.
I shared lesson number 1 of Finding Abundant Life with her and she read it that very night!!
I keep sharing the links of this course for her to study them and her face has changed in a few days !!!
Blessed My Beloved who uses us as open letters to bring His love to all those around us!!!
"The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life." John 10:10
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