The Trauma of the Striped Blue Shirt

The righteous person faces many troubles, but the LORD comes to the rescue each time. For the LORD protects the bones of the righteous; not one of them is broken! P341920

Last May, I discovered that my earthly husband was having an affair with a coworker. How? I just heard a voice telling me to look in his cell phone. And of course I looked. Now, I’ll spare you the details of what I discovered, about their conversations, but I especially saw the photo of the other woman who was wearing a striped blue shirt.
I’ve always liked that kind of shirt but with my 20 extra pounds I’ve never worn one! Don’t they say that stripes tend to make you look even bigger?

But my point is that I really experienced trauma because of that photo. Firstly because I saw what the other woman looked like but also because when I was shopping with my daughter and I saw this kind of shirt, my heart sank so much that I really wanted to cry. I was out of breath and every time I almost fainted! My heart was beating wildly and I was like cold sweats!
I remember that from far away, in the aisles, when I saw the outfit in question, I had to go to another aisle. My daughter didn't understand and always told me: "Mom it's just a shirt!" For me it was much more than that: I felt fear, sadness, betrayal.

The days when I felt stronger, I would go forward, look at the outfit and then tell myself that I would never be able to wear that. I felt really bad and it was even something physical! What's more, I even compared myself to the other woman!

About 2 weeks ago, while I was talking to the Holy Spirit in my bed, before I got up, I told Him that I wanted Him to take total control of my day. That’s when He guided me to my closet. I opened it and at the top, on the first shelf, I started looking for something to wear for the day. I came across a striped blue shirt, almost the same as the other woman. I had completely forgotten that over a year ago, I had bought one but had never worn it!

My first instinct was to say “I could never wear that Lord!”, but I felt like a “gentle” pressure to do so. So I prepared myself. That day, I was working from home and my daughter was there. When she saw me she said: “wow mom that looks so good on you!”. Oh yes, I forgot to say that the "infidelity diet" made me lose 22 kilos and that I found my "real me", my body from when I was 25/30! God is wonderful, isn't he?

That evening when my second son came home from school, he said: "your outfit is so good, mom!" Even my e-partner with whom we did a face time that day told me that I was so beautiful! And my eldest, who only comes home on weekends, also complimented me by saying that I had lost a lot of weight and that I was beautiful like that!
I wore this outfit for 3 days in a row without feeling anything: no fear, no sadness, no anger or betrayal! I just felt beautiful!

On the fourth day, I was about to put it back on and I heard a voice tell me: "it's okay, you're cured, you don't need to wear this shirt anymore! ". I couldn't believe my ears! I had such a feeling of peace that I understood that my Heavenly husband, my Beloved Lord had healed me of this "trauma of the striped blue shirt".
And that morning, he guided me towards a yellow sweater that really highlighted my complexion (I come from the islands)! ​​And my daughter once again when she saw me screamed (literally because I even jumped): "you are so beautiful mommy!".

All this to tell you that when God restores he never does things by halves! I was not aware that I had a trauma and that it was there, so great in me but God who knows everything healed me emotionally of that.
He made me understand that in his eyes, I am unique, precious, beautiful and above all that he loves me and wants my good.

I remember a praise report that I had read some time before in which the person said that God had guided her on her outfit of the day and that she had received many compliments. That day she did not feel in great shape but through the people who told her that she was beautiful, she had felt the presence of God.
I admit to having been a little skeptical when I read this but in the end, having lived it, I understand that God wants and can act in all areas and all spheres of our lives! He is just wonderful!

Thank you to all the people who testify because it changes the vision of things!

« Le SEIGNEUR est proche de ceux qui ont le cƓur brisĂ©, il sauve les gens dĂ©couragĂ©s. Celui qui obĂ©it Ă  Dieu souffre beaucoup, mais le SEIGNEUR le dĂ©livre de toutes ses souffrances. » Psaumes 34 : 19

En mai dernier, j’ai dĂ©couvert que mon mari terrestre entretenait une relation avec une collĂšgue de travail. Comment ? J’ai juste entendu une voix me dire de regarder dans son tĂ©lĂ©phone portable. Et bien sĂ»r j’ai regardĂ©. LĂ , je vous passe les dĂ©tails sur ce que j’ai dĂ©couvert, sur leurs conversations mais j’ai surtout vu la photo de l’autre femme qui portait une chemise bleue rayĂ©e.
J’ai toujours aimĂ© ce genre de chemise mais avec mes 20 kilos de trop je n’en ai jamais portĂ© ! Ne dit-on pas que les rayures ont tendance Ă  vous faire paraitre encore plus grosse ?

Mais lĂ  oĂč je veux en venir c’est que j’ai rĂ©ellement vĂ©cu un traumatisme Ă  cause de cette photo. PremiĂšrement parce que j’ai vu Ă  quoi ressemble l’autre femme mais aussi parce que lorsque je faisais du shopping avec ma fille et que je voyais ce genre de chemise, mon cƓur se serrait tellement que j’avais vraiment envie de pleurer. Mon souffle se coupait et Ă  chaque fois je manquais de dĂ©faillir ! Mon cƓur battait Ă  tout rompre et j’avais comme des sueurs froides !
Je me souviens que de loin, dans les rayons, quand je voyais l’habit en question, je devais passer par un autre rayon. Ma fille ne comprenait et me disait toujours : « maman c’est juste une chemise ! ». Pour moi c’était bien plus que cela : je ressentais la peur, la tristesse, la trahison.

Les jours oĂč je me sentais plus forte, j’avançais, regardais l’habit puis je me disais que je ne pourrais jamais porter cela. Je me sentais vraiment mal et c’était mĂȘme quelque chose de physique ! De plus, je me comparais mĂȘme Ă  l’autre femme !

Il y a environ 2 semaines, alors que je parlais au Saint-Esprit dans mon lit, avant de me lever, je lui ai dit que je voulais qu’il prenne le contrĂŽle total de ma journĂ©e. C’est alors qu’il m’a guidĂ© vers mon armoire. Je l’ai ouverte et tout en haut, sur la premiĂšre Ă©tagĂšre, je me suis mise Ă  chercher un vĂȘtement pour la journĂ©e. Je suis tombĂ©e sur une chemise bleue rayĂ©e, quasiment la mĂȘme que l’autre femme. J’avais complĂštement oubliĂ© qu’il y a plus d’un an, j’en avais achetĂ© une mais que je ne l’avais jamais portĂ© !

Mon premier rĂ©flexe a Ă©tĂ© de dire « je ne pourrais jamais mettre cela Seigneur ! », mais j’ai senti comme une « douce » pression pour le faire. Je me suis donc prĂ©parĂ©e. Ce jour lĂ , je travaillais Ă  la maison et ma fille Ă©tait prĂ©sente. Quand elle m’a vu elle a dit : « waouh maman ça te va trop bien ! ». Ah oui j’ai oubliĂ© de dire que le « rĂ©gime de l’infidĂ©litĂ© » m’a fait perdre 22 kilos et que j’ai retrouvĂ© mon « vrai moi », mon corps de mes 25/30 ans ! Dieu est merveilleux n’est-ce pas ?

Le soir quand mon second fils est rentrĂ© de l’école il a dit : « ta tenue est trop bien maman ! ». MĂȘme ma e-partenaire avec qui nous avons fait un face time ce jour-lĂ  m’a dit que j’étais trop belle ! Et mon ainĂ© qui est ne vient Ă  la maison que les week-ends m’a aussi complimentĂ© en disant que j’avais bien maigri et que j’étais belle comme ça !
J’ai portĂ© cet habit 3 jours de suite sans rien ressentir : ni peur, ni tristesse, ni colĂšre ou trahison ! Je me sentais juste belle !

Le quatriĂšme jour je m’apprĂȘtais Ă  la remettre et j’ai entendu une voix me dire : « c’est bon, tu es guĂ©rie, tu n’as plus besoin de porter cette chemise ! ». Je n’en croyais pas mes oreilles ! J’avais un tel sentiment de paix que j’ai compris que mon mari CĂ©leste, mon Bien-AimĂ© JĂ©sus m’avais guĂ©ri de ce « traumatisme de la chemise bleue rayĂ©e ».
Et ce matin-lĂ , il m’a guidĂ© vers un pull jaune qui mettait bien mon teint en valeur (je viens des Ăźles) ! Et ma fille une fois de plus lorsqu’elle m’a vu a criĂ© (littĂ©ralement parce que j’en ai mĂȘme sursautĂ©) : « tu es trop belle maman ! ».

Tout cela pour vous dire que Dieu lorsqu’il restaure il ne fait jamais les choses Ă  moitiĂ© ! Je n’avais pas conscience que j’avais un traumatisme et qu’il Ă©tait bien lĂ , si grand en moi mais Dieu qui sait toute chose m’a guĂ©ri Ă©motionnellement de cela.
Il m’a fait comprendre qu’à ses yeux, je suis unique, prĂ©cieuse, belle et surtout qu’il m’aime et veut mon bien.

Je me souviens d’un rapport de louanges que j’avais lu quelques temps auparavant dans lequel la personne disait que Dieu l’avait guidĂ© sur sa tenue du jour et qu'elle avait reçu de nombreux compliments. Ce jour-lĂ  elle ne se sentait pas en grande forme mais au travers des personnes qui lui disait qu'elle Ă©tait belle, elle avait senti la prĂ©sence de Dieu.
J’avoue avoir Ă©tĂ© un peu sceptique quand j’ai lu cela mais au final, pour l'avoir vĂ©cu, je comprends que Dieu veut et peut agir dans tous les domaines et toutes les sphĂšres de nos vies ! Il est juste merveilleux !

Merci à toutes les personnes qui témoignent parce que cela change la vision des choses !

5 thoughts on “The Trauma of the Striped Blue Shirt”

  1. Dear, thank you for sharing. You know that something similar happens to me, with gray cars. Because the earthly husband drives the gray car of the Other Person, and when I see one, I look away,
    so as not to see it and I had not realized that there were so many cars of that color here in my town.
    I also know that Our Beloved heals us and confronts us with the situations that scare us, so that we can see how He makes us victorious by His grace.
    Bella, thank you for this beautiful testimony, and I praise the Lord for each praise that we read, because as you say, each testimony gives us strength.

    1. Merci Liza ! Oui notre Bien-AimĂ© est tellement fidĂšle et bon qu’il nous prĂ©pare doucement mais sĂ»rement. Et quand il nous juge prĂȘtes, il permet que nous nous confrontions aux situations difficiles ou traumatisantes afin de guĂ©rir. Mais ce qui est gĂ©nial avec notre Amour c’est qu’il le fait selon son timing qui au final est toujours le meilleur pour nous ! Il veut une restauration totale pour nous afin que nous le glorifions !

  2. Bonjour chĂšre DouceChristal,

    Quel beau témoignage ! Notre Seigneur guéris et est présent dans nos vies.
    Il vous a guĂ©ris de ce traumatisme que vous ne vous en doutiez mĂȘme pas ! Gloire Ă  Dieu !

    Hello dear DouceChristal,

    What a beautiful testimony! Our Lord heals and is present in our lives.
    He healed you from this trauma that you did not even suspect! Glory to God!

    1. Merci Imany ! Oui sincĂšrement je n’avais pas vu cela comme un traumatisme mais Dieu qui sait toute chose est merveilleux !! A lui toute la gloire !!!

  3. Dear DouceChristal, this testimony really touches my heart. I also had a period in which I detested everything that had to do with or even a link to the OW (Other Women). I felt sick from the smell of the children’s clothes when they came back from the weekend with their father. I wanted to have the things they got from the OW out of my house. I learned a lot from this lesson:
    By applying these principles He has given me peace and I no longer suffer from things that refer to the OW

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