The Wait is Worth It

β€œWait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭27‬:‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It has been a tough couple weeks if I’m being honest. I could hear the lies of the enemy trying to convince me that things were hopeless and everything would fall apart. My faith has definitely been tested, but it has also grown during this time. As I last mentioned, my family was put in a financial situation that could leave us in a very tight and uncomfortable position. But I kept reminding myself of the blessing that we were all still together and that my HH would find some way to help us even if I didn’t know how or even see it. Well, He finally showed us what he was up to by providing a means of income for our family that would also include health benefits. We haven’t been able to have health benefits for the family for quite some time.

I could sense my HH working from behind the scenes because the harder things got the closer we were to a breakthrough. It reminded me of this being a spiritual battle. Everything that I went through with my HH years ago prepared me for the wait in this battle. My HH has always and will always be there through it all and continues to confirm in me hope and to simply wait on Him. We don’t need to try to come up with our own plan or even be fearful of what is happening around us, which I admit is hard to do at times. Instead we need to meditate on His Word because it always brings hope, encouragement, and peace through the storms. Don’t give up because after the wait is over, there is a blessing waiting for you.

5 thoughts on “The Wait is Worth It”

  1. Amen Elda yes HE always comes thru. Its tough during the wait but it definitely builds up our faith muscles. We went thru this in the beginning of the year and all l could do was cling to Him, His word and have fauth even as we struggled, even as the cupboards ran dry… But…. He came thru as He always does πŸ™Œ im so happy for you and your family that you have the added blessing of having health benefits its an definitely a blessing when we have small kids πŸ™β€οΈ

  2. Dear Elda, your post is very timely.
    Because I also find myself in a very difficult financial situation but I know that my God will provide for all my needs.
    I’m not really worried, I know that this mountain will be moved.

  3. Thank you for this praise report and encouragement precious Elda. I have gone through a lot of financial struggles with my children and I can testify that our Darling Lord is the best ever Provider and always shows up!
    “Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!” L12:24

  4. I understand, I feel like my financial situation just keeps going back and forth. It’s great knowing that our HH has a plan for our life and that there is a blessing waiting for us if we keep trusting Him. I’m so glad to hear about the health benefits. Thanks for the encouragement and sharing your praise.

  5. ‘ I was young, and now I am old, Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his offspring begging bread. ‘

    Psalm 37:25

    Elda, I know that the financial situation takes away our peace, because I have also been through it. But my Beloved, has provided for me in wonderful ways, and even though I can see that big mountain, I know that He is the owner of the gold and silver and He will give us what He knows we need. Thank you for your words.

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