This I Coundn’t Keep For Myself…

"I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself." J31:3

I remember years ago when my earthly husband had left me, how I hated special days like mothers day. I know hate is a very strong word, but being so broken and hurt that time, no other word would describe it best.

Today I am also thinking about the ladies who wanted to be a mum, but it didn't work out like that. "β€œSing, barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst into song, shout for joy, you who were never in labor; because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband,” says the LORD." I54:1

So precious bride if you are reading here and feeling broken, I want to encourage you to not walk through this journey in your own strength, hold His hand and learn to lean more on our Darling Lord.

I want to encourage you to please go and read how my Darling Husband pampered me with my first ever love song and now my favorite too:

*Please come back and share your testimony of this beautiful song that our Darling Lord is singing to you and what it has meant to you.

10 thoughts on “This I Coundn’t Keep For Myself…”

  1. I read your praise early this morning but because l have the flu and took meds l drifted off to sleep after listening to the love song you shared Janine. Its a beautiful song and the words are so lovely l hope the other ladies will listen, l could not open the link you shared but l listened to it on YouTube theres a lot of different versions sung by different ppl.

    1. Thank you so much precious Atarah, I quickly put the right link in and thank you for sharing the link. I listened yesterday to the song and cried so much, because His love for us is just WOW.
      I know our Darling Lord is going to touch you with His healing hands and that you will feel better soon.

  2. como se llama la canciΓ³n querida Janine para buscar una traducciΓ³n

    What is the name of the song, dear Janine, to find a translation

    1. Here is the song’s name precious Katherine:

  3. Beautiful song. I love it. Thanks for sharing Janine πŸ’•

    1. Yes it is very beautiful precious Hope, my favorite now and I am listening over and over to it.

  4. As I was just thinking how sad that some people just cannot just be kind and show love, I’m reminded that I don’t have to worry about what others give or don’t give. I have a Husband that does all this to make me feel His love. And that’s all I need, His love. I have this song on our love song playlist. What a beautiful love song that He sings to His brides. I am wrapped up in His precious words of this love song and wrapped up in His love πŸ₯°

    1. Dear precious Ruby, other people just don’t have it ( ) I know it is so difficult but it is who we must show love and kindness to, especially the people that cannot be kind and show love and it reminds me of this verse:
      “And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. 34 And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full. 35 But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.” L6:33-35

  5. Thank you dear Janine, it is amazing how our Beloved heals our hearts and fills us with His love. I also used to hate these special days, but now I am not afraid of these days anymore, because I have my Beloved Husband and if I have Him I have everything I need.

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Adina, it is wonderful how we do not fear special days anymore. Our Darling Lord is really all we need.

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