This is so nice when I give up of my own plans!

โ™• Today's Promise: "My thoughts are far different from yours," says the Lord, and my ways are far beyond your ways." I55:8

Hello dear friends, I have a wonderful praise report to share with you!

I have been working hard the past few months and will have a week off at the end of this month, and I am looking forward to some rest, so I started planning a few days off at the beach...

I spoke to my earthly husband about those days and asked him if he would be available to take a few days off - since he is self-employed. He told me he couldn't, and although he encouraged me to go with the kids, he told me he couldn't help me financially with the trip.

I confess that this doesn't hurt me anymore, because I know that if he didn't go, it would be an opportunity to be alone with my Beloved Lord, no doubt they would be perfect days anyway! ๐Ÿ˜Š

It turns out that when I started to see the prices of the hotels, I was thinking about staying at home, they were way above what I could afford, and so I gave up on my travel plans and started to think about how I could rest and have fun, even though I was at home.

I confess that I was doing all of this for myself, I didn't stop to ask my Beloved about His plan for us during those days... that's when I gave up on going, looked at my finances and was sure that I couldn't pay for the accommodation, that's when I turned to my Beloved and told Him that it was okay, I was happy with whatever happened during those days!

That's when my Beloved Lord and I started talking again and He told me to look for a place where we had stayed before, and chose the type of room, and told me to make the reservation and He would make the payment.

Wow! How wonderful it is to see how His plans are better than ours, isn't it? He did much better than I could have dreamed or imagined!

This praise report of mine is to record once again how good it is when I stop acting for myself and let Him take the lead in every and any matter in my life!

Dear friend, talk to Him about everything! Don't start acting for yourself! Remember that He has the best in store for you! And if in any way, you doubt or are afraid, remember that the one who wants to rob you and your family of the future that He has for you is the thief, who doesn't want you to have the life that your Lord, your Best Friend, your Beloved and your Heavenly Husband (HH) has for you! Don't give up!

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life and have it to the full." J1010

9 thoughts on “This is so nice when I give up of my own plans!”

  1. Hello, wow, what a wonderful praise for our beloved. So, my sister is coming on vacation soon and asked me to find a small apartment to stay for a few days. I looked at places near the sea and found a lovely studio for my kids and me, but I got a refusal. I then turned to our dear one and told him that maybe this isnโ€™t your plan after all, youโ€™re the one who decides. I trust him for the future. *Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding*.

    1. Yes Kateleen , itโ€™s awesome as we depend on Him, the One๐Ÿ‘†๐ŸฝWho knows about our future and which situation is the best for us๐Ÿ™Œ So let’s wait on Him, always!๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“

  2. How beautiful, dear Paula. Thank you for sharing, your story confirms everything that He has so lovingly taught us, that He, only He, is the One who does infinitely more than we can imagine ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐ŸŒท
    We really shouldn’t follow our own understanding, but rather take all situations to Him, and be attentive to hear His sweet voice guiding us๐Ÿ’–
    A great week of rest to you and your family!๐ŸŒท๐Ÿ’•

  3. Thank you for sharing precious Paula, yes His plans are for sure far much better than ours.
    Today was so exhausting at my outside job and your praise report was just now a reminder to me that I must tell that all to my precious Darling Lord, which I am going to do now, because I have to confess my day was so exhausting because I leaned to much on my own understanding.

  4. Thanks for sharing this, dear Janine! Yes! As soon as we give up and run to Him, we can feel His hands lifting up our burdens and His peace embraces our mind and soul๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฅฐ

  5. Thank you Paula, it is true, when we make our own plans they go wrong. But when we go and turn to Our Husband, everything is better.

    1. I am so happy that He keeps on alluring us to be by His side, as He talks to us and makes our hearts burn in love for Him โค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ

  6. Beautiful!!!! My Beloved always go higher than what we expects, He makes us smile of joy knowing that it could be no other one but Him and that HE can go above, further than we can imagine, because our plans are no where near His plans.

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