Time heals…

"For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you." M6:14

As I was reading through RYR 12 β€œHot Pursuit”, I realized that there's so much I haven't forgiven completely. And that was a big eye opener for me. Nothing seems to be going anywhere, and this is the reason why! How can God start giving me the desires of my heart when I haven't forgiven completely and I keep holding on to things that hurt me.

This week I was at my lowest again, but He reminded me that He will heal everything in His time. In this He is teaching me to be more patient, more humble, more loving, more understanding, more of what He desires Me to be, not every one else. Time does heal, although it's been 4 hard years, I will keep on seeking His face. He is my time.

I will simply trust that He will work all things out for my good as I put Him as the only desire of my heart.

3 thoughts on “Time heals…”

  1. Dear Elora, thank you for sharing your heart. For me forgiveness was a journey that my Beloved took me on because I had so much hurt from childhood right up to the divorce. I had to forgive each and every person, and where I couldn’t forgive, He helped me when I cried out to Him. For each person I forgave, the burden that I carried got lighter, and He healed that part of my heart. Until I got to a place where I forgave everybody, He showed me to forgive, and the healing was complete.

    Once we are able to forgive completely, we are set free of bitterness and pain. And for me forgiveness became easy because He gave me a new heart in the process. Was it easy, no it was not always easy, BUT it is so worth it!

    https://loveatlast.org/alive-ll77/ (Bitter or Better)

  2. It’s great that you’re recognizing the importance of forgiveness, it can be difficult just ask the Lord to help and show you how. I love that He’s teaching you lessons in patience, humility, love, and understanding. Just keep trusting in Him and putting Him as the only desire of your heart. πŸ’•

  3. Thank you for sharing precious Elora, I will never forget the day that my our Darling Lord let me realized that I had bitterness in my heart because of unforgiveness. I was on a Wise Women Retreat in Cape Town when Adina shared on forgiveness out of the Wise Women Book ( https://uiteindelikhoop.com/vergifnis-adina-in-suid-afrika/ ). I went to sit alone with my Darling Lord and told Him that I couldn’t do it it without Him and that I wanted to do it for Him. A very heavy load fell of my shoulders.

    And yes our Darling Lord will work it out for the good, that is just Who He is and His love for us is indescribable.

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