Time to become still and quiet

"She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family and portions for her female servants. Proverbs 31:15

Hello beautiful brides

I'm here to brag about my weaknesses. When I filled out my marriage questionnaire, I quickly began reading the materials and the workers at home was something so great but I didn't spend much time on it. Quickly read through it once and done so to speak.

I knew that my Love was calling me to do these things, but I was so afraid. Fear!! No faith!!

So I became very busy being in His word and I began hosting some fellowship groups at my home, sewing circle, and just being very busy.

In some ways it was good, but I knew that I needed to be home more, cooking. My excuse was, there's no one to cook for! Just me. So I fasted a lot of just didn't eat.

Which would have been fine, except for the huge fact that I knew that My Love had pointed out these huge areas in my life that he wanted me to practice. To grow in. So by worldly standards it was fine but I love that He calls us into the heavenly realm. The supernatural realm.

I have been so blessed, despite not going in on my cooking and home making skills.

But slowly over the past several months, He has been moving mountains in my heart and in my life, my faith has been growing in tremendous amounts and the intimacy with Him has been indescribable.
One day I was painting, whispering to Him all day. Having a special conversation when He told me it was time. He wanted me to pull in. Clean out my closet and dresser, cook, learn to preserve food, be efficient in the kitchen especially! And be alone with Him. I have been blessed with a few lovely sister friends, but I have taken this life and allowed it to become too busy!

So in my weakness and my lack of faith, I have not allowed the intimacy to grow even more.

Those times that He gave me with my friends, were precious and sweet and I am grateful for them, but I am even more in love, with Him whispering this tender promise that since He lovingly called me, He will hold my hand and even carry me through.

There was no condemnation no scorning. Not even a spanking like I've thought would happen. I'm very excited to share with you how much He loves us and wants us to be here with Him alongside, whispering sweet thoughts and desires to Him. How precious are these conversations!!!

I am very loved and so are you!

5 thoughts on “Time to become still and quiet”

  1. Thank you dear Rasa for sharing, I also used to fill my life up with too many things, becoming too busy and not focusing on what my Beloved called me for, my household. I used to love cooking, but over the course of my journey I lost the love to cook, but He is slowly teaching me how to get back on track again and leading me in what to cook for my children, it is such a blessing seeing my children enjoying the food I cook for them and knowing that they are getting good, homemade meals.

  2. Thank you for sharing Rasa. What a beautiful testimony of His Love for us. I too, was taken through a beautiful journey of being at home and practicing all the things I never learned or cared about prior to knowing Him. Now I truly enjoy cooking, cleaning, and serving my family. My daughters even enjoy helping with all the household tasks now because it means spending more time with me. I don’t go out like I used to and like the quietness with Him in our home. All of this is truly a blessing from Him.

  3. Gracias por tu testimonio Raza.
    El quiere restaurar cada area de nuestra vida, y es hermoso esa intimidad y poder escuchar Su voz.En ocasiones nos llenamos tanto de cosas por hacer que perdemos ese tiempo con Nuestro Amado.
    Que El te siga alentando a seguir renovandote.

  4. Thank you for sharing precious Rasa and thank you for this awesome reminder that we are loved. My prayer is for every hurting women to experience His love and yes that He is just next to us.

  5. β€œShow me, Lord, my life’s end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting my life is.” Psalm 39:4
    I love how you are learning to make your home a haven. All those skills make us have a special home because they are getting lost by feminism!! A good homemade meal, a clean house, and a space that smells good and brings peace are such a huge blessing!
    Keep going my dear, is in those little things that our dependency on our Beloved grows!

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