♕ Today's Promise: “There is one who scatters, and yet increases all the more, and there is one who withholds what is justly due, and yet it results only in want.” Proverbs 11:24
Dear Brides, This will seem like a totally different way of thinking. The world definitely does not live this way and this is not taught to others. This lesson, “Giving is the Secret” is asking us to consider a totally different way of thinking and living. We all know the way we were living tore down our own homes so this change is the secret to the change God is revealing to us. I am willing to follow My Love even if it means others will not agree. I have lost some relationships due to them not agreeing with how I am now living. I know, seems strange right? How can people be so disagreeable with me living a better life, in peace and with My Lord providing for me. But it has happened and it may happen to you too. We do need to be prepared with a response when we are asked questions. With a few times of stumbling on my words and later regretting that I could have Glorified My Lord, I now have the right words to say. Thank You My Love for leading my way and bringing me to walk closer with You.
I have struggled and still do a bit, with fear and control. I used to feel I needed to know not only what was going on but everything that was going on. Now I don’t want to know anything. I just give it to My Love to handle. So much to the point that I too, as mentioned in the lesson, was staying home and in my bedroom. I felt so unprotected outside of my prayer closet and whenever I was outside of God’s Word. I asked My Love to please show me how to live with Him always involved and to be able to bring Him with me everywhere and do everything with Him.
He now goes with me everywhere, always. Little by little I am doing more things and I don’t feel like I am without Him. I recently have been invited to a few outings and my first reaction was to not go. I had no reason to not go, just that it would take me out of my home for a little while. I am learning to get out and live the principles I am learning about out in the world while being around others who are going to ask me questions about what I’m doing, if I am looking for a job, how is the relationship between earthly husband and I going and ask about the divorce and the separation of assets, or making comments about what I should do, hire a lawyer or find another man etc. I have avoided and limited contact with people because I don’t want to hear or explain but now I know I need to not avoid and not stop living but give answers that glorify My Loving Lord. I should expect that their first reaction will be not a supporting attitude but they will soon be able to see for themselves the Lord at work in my heart and my life, they will be led to Him also.
I have now realized that nothing belongs to me. I am not going to fight for assets or money like others suggest. It all belongs to the Lord and it’s His to do with as He pleases. I do not ask for anything in the divorce papers. People say things like “you're entitled to half or you deserve this or that and what about your future? You need to think about your future” but I know that My Lord is in control. If I am to have something then He will provide it and bless me with it. I am so grateful for having found My True Love and Faithful Husband that I don’t need anything else.
I also now am beginning to understand that witnessing is not going out and hunting down people then talking to them about what they need to do or change. It’s letting others see for themselves what the Lord does. Only He knows what will speak to their hearts. It could be the way we handle our marital issues, the way our finances are going and how He provides for us or it could be that they see His peace and joy that He has given to my heart and in our home. So all I need to do is let people back into my life and for me to be a part of theirs and He will reveal Himself to them. I don’t have to do anything or control anything.
I will definitely be living His principles, giving Him all the glory, letting others agree or disagree and not letting that make a wedge in our relationship. But instead letting them see the Lord for themselves through me. I can show the trust, love, peace and joy He gives me and let them know I only found it in Him. And let that spill over to others as they witness it in my life.
Dear Brides, Seek and you shall find Him. I never thought I’d be able to give, to give things from my home, give my love, give comfort, give forgiveness. I want to give and not hold onto things. That was such a selfish way of living. It doesn’t matter if someone deserves or not. I want to give so I can receive more of My Lord. Keep drawing closer to Him to find your Heavenly Husband. Everything in this world leaves us feeling empty but only He can fulfill us.
“There is one who scatters, and yet increases all the more, and there is one who withholds what is justly due, and yet it results only in want.” Proverbs 11:24
“Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:10
~ Ruby in California
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