Trampled by pigs

โ€œDo not give what is holy to dogs, lest they turn on you and tear you to pieces; and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them underfootโ€ M76

Hello Beloved, this is the first praise for me that means a line mark a before and after in my restoration journey with my beloved Husband. What I am about to tell you in the next praise could generate many feelings and fears in each one of you because we are all on this journey with Him according to our level of faith, so before telling you all this I want to encourage you to remember the life of Job at this moment and I hope with all my heart that you will be true friends to me at a time like this.

Unlike Job, I am extremely excited because my Husband has given me understanding of what He has in His heart for me, it is because I know His love for me, today I feel so confident in Him that to get excited and write these praises with a radiant smile on my face, remembering that He is my Husband who loves me and who is with me holding my hand while we are both in the fire of trial, because certainly He did not stay outside the oven waiting for me, but He has entered with me to accompany me. I am certain in my heart that everything HE is allowing has a beautiful purpose as it was with Job, which is what HE put in my heart since this new โ€œcrisisโ€ hit me, reasons for which I praise Him from the depths of my heart, because His peace, which surpasses all understanding, has accompanied me every day since all this happened.

I would like to start with something that you all know a lot about and that is my desire to be a mother. I have prayed and waited for eight years for this promise, which has been confirmed to me several times and when I finally saw a ray of hope, everything suddenly changed.

Last year we received a visit from a coworker of my earthly husband. When we were looking for a new car (which I mentioned in a previous praise) and while he was busy negotiating I was able to talk to this man about fatherhood. I had already heard from them that they did not want to have children (something that unfortunately my husband has agreed with and has been the reason for my prayers). I no longer remember how we got to that conversation, but I think it was something he mentioned and I gave my point of view expressing the blessing that I believe children are in the home. He agreed. Days later when his girlfriend came to visit him and we spent some time talking at my home, she told me her boyfriend had asked her if she would consider having children and she said that she saw he was seriously considering it like never before. She was scared because sheย had never wanted children and now she did not know what to think. So I also opened my heart to her about the blessing that I believe it is to have children with the hope of sowing good seeds in them (but of course, into the marriage).

A few days later, when we all went out to a restaurant, there were a lot of kidsโ€”somewhat unrulyโ€” I heard them commenting, โ€œLook at those contraceptives,โ€ meaning that seeing those kids made them MORE convinced that they had made the right decision. I was very sad because my husband also agreed with them. Of course, I didnโ€™t say anything, and I donโ€™t think my expression showed how disappointed I wasโ€”or so I hope.

Then my beloved Husband taught me with this:

  1. Do not give your pearls to the unbelievers: โ€œDo not give what is holy to the dogs, lest they turn on you and tear you to pieces; and do not throw your pearls to swine [those who feed on the world's garbage and not on the manna], lest they trample them underfootโ€ M76
  2. Come to an agreement with your opponent: โ€œIf your opponent is going to sue you, come to an agreement with him as quickly as possible. Do it while you are on the way to court, or he will hand you over to the judge, and the judge will hand you over to the guard, and you will be thrown into prison. I assure you that you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.โ€ M52526
  3. A little unbelief contaminates others: โ€œA little leaven leavens the whole lumpโ€ G59

He taught me not to share my desires, my heart, my treasures with unbelievers, because they can turn against me, just as it happened to King Hezekiah, when God extended his lifespan through his prayer, but unfortunately he let himself be carried away by pride to show his enemies all the treasure of his kingdom and planted in them the desire to steal it and that is exactly what happened to me. It is impressive how a single bad thought can do so much damage when shared with others, this is what makes me even more afraid of using every word that comes out of my mouth very well.

To be continued...

1 thought on “Trampled by pigs”

  1. You are so right. The Lord will provide. He has a plan, and His timing is perfect. It seems the enemy was trying to get you doubting and down, but the great thing is that you know who is in charge! Your Heavenly Husband is walking through this fire with you, holding your hand. He sees your tears and hears your prayers.

    He brought to my mind to pray for you a few weeks ago about your desire. His will be done, His love for you is unwavering, and His plan for you is perfect! ๐Ÿ˜˜

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