Wanted to Annul Our Marriage

Happy New Year!!!!!!!

Dear Bride,

Each year, beginning in 2013, we’ve asked the Lord to give us HIS Promise for the upcoming year. This is based on several verses:

Isaiah 45:11— "Thus says the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker: 'Ask Me about the things to come ...'"

Isaiah 42:9-10—
"Behold, the former things have come to pass, Now I declare new things; Before they spring forth I proclaim them to you. Sing to the Lord a new song, Sing His praise from the end of the earth!"

Then, by having His promises, knowing what is to come, what He has proclaimed, we then can individually and as a ministry, we can acknowledge this promise, and hear His voice clearly behind us as He leads us!

Proverbs 3:4-6—
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Isaiah 30:21—
"Your ears will hear a word behind you, 'This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right or to the left.'"

Psalm 23: 1-3—
“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; HE LEADS ME beside quiet waters. He restores my soul.”

Take a moment to read this Year’s Promise and the promises we’ve enjoyed and have continued to build upon!!

Your Ministry Team

2020 FCBH “Faith Comes by Hearing”

Dear Partner,

Not realizing it was September, my HH led me to move these Promises to their own web page, and as I was cleaning it up (which normally I would have simply assigned to our web team), I stopped for a second wondering if I was here because He was going to tell me what His promise was for this upcoming year. Only later did it dawn on me it’s September.

I paused a long time trying to figure out what this year's promise was because when He’s “given” them to me in the past—it’s always been a verse that I realize had been running through my brain over and over and over again. But I just couldn't remember any such verse. So I finished the page and decided when I knew, I’d come back.

Upon waking the next morning there was the verse!

“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17 KJV a verse that had been on repeat for weeks!

Why this is so significant is due to what’s been happening for the past several weeks (or maybe it’s been months). From the beginning, our ministry team has always worked together (from all parts of the world) by way of writing: emails, texts, all written comments as we collaborate. Then one day we began sending voice notes to each other, and it was a game-changer—hearing the excitement in each other's voices, besides realizing how quickly we moved through the process of working together was remarkable!

Next, the voice notes led to recording podcasts, where we were hearing testimonies and praise from each other. And seeing how powerful they've been, we are now hoping to convert our Be Encouraged video series into an audible version—so women can listen and hear encouragement as they travel or go about their day.

Then I realized we had just recently added the love songs for everyone to hear, and in Course 1, women can now hear chapters being read to them!

Romans 10:17 NLV—
"So then, faith comes to us by hearing the Good News. And the Good News comes by someone preaching it."

Isaiah 30:21—
“Your ears will hear a word behind you, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ whenever you turn to the right or to the left.”

Proverbs 22:17—
“Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise, And apply your mind to my knowledge.”

1 Corinthians 2:9—
“Things which eye has not seen (2020 vision) and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, All that God has prepared for those who love Him."

Mark 4:20—
"And those are the ones on whom seed was sown on the good soil; and they hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold."


New Year Promises 2013-2020!!

♕ Today's Promise: Beginning this year you'll be able to come in to read the Encourager and begin by reading and claiming the Promise to you that day!!

Hebrews 10:23-25—
"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who PROMISED is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”

"So let’s do it—full of belief, confident that we’re presentable inside and out. Let’s keep a firm grip on the PROMISES that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching."

Wanted to Annul Our Marriage

♕ Today's Promise: “Yet, in spite of all this, You comfort me by Your counsel; You draw me closer to you. You lead me with your secret wisdom. And following You brings me into your brightness and glory!  Psalm 73:23-24

Hello ladies 🙂 my trip to RMI started in 2017. We had a lot of problems and quarrels with my husband, who I married only in November 2016. I couldn't bear the situation anymore, so I wanted to annul our marriage because our Church allows it in certain cases. It is said that there was no marriage. But now I no longer think that it is God's will and that we can annul our marriages in His eyes.

However, I tried to do so in a way that my husband has a mental disorder and is unable to solve problems (Terrible how proud I was). But we still did not qualify for an annulment. I was very unhappy. The idea of ​​living like this forever killed me. I realized I wouldn't get out of this because I knew the divorce was against God and I could never go to church again. At that point, I thought the situation with my husband would never change. How pathetic, right?

"For nothing is impossible with God." (Luke 1:37)

I was desperately looking for help on the Internet and I found RMI. After reading the first page I got hope and some peace. I immediately ordered the book How God Can and Will Restore Your Marriage, the Wise Woman, and started the first course, but unfortunately, I did not complete it. Our situation was better and I came to the chapter about tithing and learning children at home and there I stopped reading all RMI materials because I did not agree with those principles.

My heart was too hard and unprepared at that time and many principles did not penetrate deep into my heart and mind. So I needed more breaks.

The year was passing, our problems and fights were repeating and we went to a counselor. Here it is visible, how superficially I was reading the materials warning against the counselor. Of course, it did not help and just cost money.

The problems continued, and in the summer of 2018 inside, I felt I had to return to the RMI materials and that I was missing something. As soon as I made this decision, at that moment our situation began to deteriorate every day. The more my heart broke under my husband's verbal attacks, the more intensely I studied all the materials, videos and courses. My eyes began to open and I began to see all my mistakes. And there were a lot of them. I think, besides real adultery, I have done everything the wife can do wrong. Even before the wedding I made an agreement with my husband that I would be our children's spiritual leader and I was also his dance teacher in our work.

What they warn RMI materials because it is so harmful when a woman assumes authority over her husband. Horrible! Although I was a Christian fanatic for many of my acquaintances, I was able to make so many mistakes.

When I thought that the situation will be better I have received a divorce application full of lies. I was crying, praying and continuing with studying, all my free time every moment. I was really alone as we were working abroad in Spain and I did not share my private life with anybody there.

“Friend and loved one You took far from me. Darkness has become my companion" (Psalm 88,19 TLV).

I remember Erin saying at the end of one video, "If no one is with you, I am with you and I believe that your marriage can be renewed.” This stroked my soul enormously. My golden Erin, your voice has given me so much peace and encouragement. I listened to you late into the night, falling asleep. THANK YOU ERIN! At this point, the principle of handing a tithe was no longer a problem for me. Tadaaaaa 🙂

After two very dark months, the situation began to reverse. Thanks to my Heavenly Husband! The request for divorce was not sent, and I was just amazed to see how all these principles worked. My earthly husband asked me what I was still doing on the internet when I said I was taking one course, he started asking what kind of course it was when it changed me for the better, etc.. We are happily together now and we have a two-month baby. Praise You, Lord! But I still have a lot of work to do and many times I have to return to the materials and pray for unconditional love for my husband.

I recommend to all ladies with marital problems to go deeply and intensively into RMI materials and start living these principles. If you disagree, pray for wisdom and the Lord will open your heart and eyes, or simply break you to understand it better. 🙂

I praise the Lord with all my heart and thank you for changing me, for opening my eyes and for accompanying me in my life. Thanks to you for the whole RMI, please bless them and protect them! Thanks to Love My Everything! YOU are everything I want and need!

~ Anissa in Slovakia
I’m a tithing​ partner. Learn more​.

Chapter 12

Financial Lack has Turned into Overflow

“‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse,
so that there may be food in My house, and
test Me now in this,’ says the Lord of hosts,
‘if I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and
pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.’”