We Are Beautiful To The Lord

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised." P31:30

After reading Living The Abundant Life, Chapter 14 "You're Beautiful!!" I realized that it matters much more to the Lord that my heart belongs to Him, than what I weigh.ย 

When my spouse left me for an incredibly beautiful woman years ago, I did everything in my power to just look attractive for him. I always tried the strongest diet pills on the shelves and although I lost a lot of weight, deep down I was an unhappy person. I even took thyroid pills to lose weight, although I didn't have thyroid problems. And it was incredibly exhausting just trying to try to be attractive, to live up to a person's standards!

After I got a restored marriage and my husband again chose the world, I guess I started to become an emotional eater and then my thyroid really started giving me trouble (but I should have expected itย  all those pills I was drinking) and I gained an incredible amount of weight. And my weight became an issue for me, so today the Lord really spoke to me through this lesson! I am beautiful to my Beloved Lord.

Precious dearest woman this is just again a reminder that it matters much more what our Beloved Lord says and thinks of us and that we should stop trying to live up to someone else's standards. Remember precious women you are so beautiful to our precious Beloved Lord!

โ€œIf you do not know, most beautiful of women . . . How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful!โ€ S1:8, S1:15

16 thoughts on “We Are Beautiful To The Lord”

  1. You are Janine, when He looks at you, He sees the apple of His eye. The lovely woman He created and who is His bride. What an amazing thought right? What happens when all the external beauty fades away? “Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised.”

    1. Thank you precious Yvonne, it really is an amazing thought, just to think how our Darling Lord see us and nothing else matters.

  2. You really are Janine! This could be really a burden, I confess that I’ve been struggling with the changes as I am getting older ๐Ÿ˜ž Thank you for this reminder and this wonderful lesson! It’s really special to know How He feels about us ๐Ÿ’“

    1. Thank you Paula, me too, we just have to keep on asking our Darling Lord what He thinks of us and really truly believe Him.

  3. Thank you for sharing this Janine. I think this is a burden that a lot of us women feel. But what a wonderful reminder that He thinks we are beautiful and He loves us so very much.

    1. He does love us so very much precious Elda yes how wonderful that He thinks we are beautiful!

  4. Janine, gracias por recordarme cuanto me ama el Seรฑor. Despues de que mi et, se fue de casa, baje muchisimo de peso, no me volvi a pesar y a veces me he sentido mal, de ver lo delgada que estoy, pero EL me ama asi.
    Janine, thank you for reminding me how much the Lord loves me. After my earthly husband, left home, I lost a lot of weight. I didn’t weigh myself again and sometimes I felt bad about how thin I was, but HE loves me like that.

    1. Dear Liza, I identify with you! I also lost a lot of weight during the crisis and I felt very bad, then with my skin problem it was more than I wanted to go through, but I left it in His hands and I can tell you that He has been faithful in helping me recover! Ask Him to help you with your weight and He will take care of it. I asked Him to give me more appetite and more wisdom to choose my foods.

    2. Precious Liza I know what you are talking about, because years ago I lost so much weight but now it is the opposite, but the fact is our Darling Lord loves us just the way we are. I told my Darling Lord if He wants me to be thin (and I also said it is one of my desires), He will help me, because apart from Him I really can’t do anything.

  5. My dear i do identify a lot with what you say, as I read this I had lately finish doing some work out at home. I know the feeling of feeling pointed out or rejected just because we look different, for whatever reason, But He created us in His image and he told us we are beautiful and wonderful, we are the apple of His eyes, so we just need keep present that while human is looking at us outwardly He is looking into our hearts so, leave it in His hand my dear, like Anastasia, I developed an allergy on face during the beginning of my journey, people looked at me with scorned, i did at my self, didnt want to leave my house, it was until i learned hear after reading a lesson and Anastasia testimony that I left it in His hand and by His grace, I can face myself again and people don’ t look at me weird anymore and it was all Him since I stop using treatment and stop going to the doctor. HE is the greatest and loves us how we are but when we give Him our burdens He turns them into blessings.

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Jewel, our Darling Lord is really the greatest and yes isn’t it so wonderful how He loves us just the way we are.

      This morning while driving to my outside job, I was talking to Him when I was so overwhelmed of His presence in my life, I started crying and said no wait My Darling Lord, I can’t cry, my makeup and He said so lovingly, you are even beautiful to me without makeup. He is the Best Ever!!!

  6. Dear Janine, thank you for the reminder, I always used to compare myself to others, when my marriage crisis hit, I constantly compared myself to the other woman, feeling I fell short in every way possible. I felt worthless and did so for a long time. But through getting to know my Beloved Lord, being able to just sit and talk to Him about my insecurities, He slowly began to show me that He loves me more than I can ever know, with my faults and all. My outer appearance does not make me beautiful, but the new heart He gave me, filled with His eternal love, made me beautiful and has eternal value. But HE also thinks I am beautiful because He created me fearfully and wonderfully.

    I realized the most important thing is to be loved unconditionally by our Beloved Lord, and loving Him with all our hearts and all our souls.

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Adina, I am so very grateful for His unconditional love that brings healing and restoration in every area of our lives.

  7. I too made the mistake of comparing myself to the other woman, I was very proud and said that she “wasn’t even pretty” ๐Ÿซฃ I am ashamed to say it today because it is a lie. That took me to the edge of the abyss to fall into humiliation. My Beloved, gently [although it didn’t seem like it at the time] was taking away my beauty little by little to take my place of recognizing that we are ALL wonderful creations. He began by making me lose a lot of weight, my hair changed and became rough, my nails were weak then the acne for which I only wanted to hide and that no one would see me, and so little by little I changed until I felt ashamed of the woman I saw in the mirror. The sweet thing is that in the midst of the process while my heart became more humble and tender, it was when I caught the attention of others, including my earthly husband, and it was at that time that my restoration occurred. His grace went beyond so that my husband would not be ashamed of me when we went out, only HE could give such displays of mercy when I failed horribly with pride of heart. Today I understand that it was because of His love for me and for His other daughters that He gave me this lesson, because for Him we are all wonderful and VERY VALUABLE.

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Anastasia, after reading your comment I have to confess I always said the other woman is so fat and my heart was also so full of pride, because I felt it was so easy to loose weight, because my heart was so broken that I didn’t even want to look at food. Until I now gained so much weight and she lost weight and it wasn’t any more easy for me to loose weight. I am so grateful that our Darling Lord doesn’t just leave us the way we our.

    2. What a beautiful reminder that our outward beauty is not what attracts others, it’s our inward beauty that truly attracts the hearts and also the eyes of others as they cannot resist seeing the light that He shines through us. ๐Ÿ’–

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