We wait for Him ❀️

Dear Brides,

Then you will know that I am the Lord ; those who wait for me shall not be put to shame.”
Isaiah 49:23

Our Lord is so wonderful and good. He knows the desires of our hearts. My children and I love nature very much. We enjoy animals, beautiful plants and working in the garden.
Both my daughters are going to study animal care and my son also has these desires. The four of us are longing to move to a house in the countryside with a lovely garden.
I notice that the children are increasingly longing for it and, to be honest, I'm really looking forward to it myself.

Because you cannot buy a house in our country as a single mother, I believe with all my heart that He can ensure that we can move to the countryside. It is special that He has placed these common desires in our hearts. When my former spouse had just moved out of our house, the children definitely did not want to move.

So beautiful that I could explain to the children that He knows all our desires and is willing to give them to us if we ask Him for them and wait patiently for Him to fulfill these desires.

And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. John 14:13

I explained to the children that I will not look for a home in the countryside, because we have to wait together for God's plan. He will provide, what is impossible with men is possible with Him

This week my former spouse came and he advised me to move and get away from this place because he feels so embarrassed when he comes back to his old living environment. He feels judged by the people in our close-knit community.
He would like me to move to another place with the children, then he would experience less tension about coming.

My daughter was indignant about what he said, she said: 'We are definitely not going to move just because dad said so' Once again I was able to tell her that we must wait for God's plan, He will give us the desires of our hearts! If we ask Him. We can now enjoy our nice house and garden while we wait for what He will do in our lives. I am grateful that He allows me to teach this principle to the children. I enjoy life with Him as my Heavenly Friend, so beautiful to see that He is also working in the lives of my children.

May the LORD give you increase, you and your children! Psalm 115:14

Then you will know that I am the Lord ; those who wait for me shall not be put to shame.”
Isaiah 49:23

4 thoughts on “We wait for Him ❀️”

  1. Dear Hanna, may the Lord grant you the desires of your heart. Your testimony is very similar to what I am experiencing, I know that my Beloved has a home for my children and me, and as you say, we just have to wait for His Plan and even what is impossible for men will be possible for God. Thanks for encouraging me

  2. God hears your prayers and desires, and He will make a way for you to move to the countryside if it’s His plan. It’s great that you’re teaching your children about patience and waiting on God’s timing.

  3. Wow Hanna this was so precious to read. I enjoyed reading how you are teaching your children about waiting and being patient as we wait for the Lord to answer our prayers. I also feel this desire to be in the country and away from a main city. His nature is so marvelous. Thank you for sharing this post.

  4. Thank you for sharing precious Hanna and yes isn’t in wonderful that everything regarding us matters to our Darling Lord. I have seen in my own life our Darling Lord really hears us.

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