What Are You Speaking?

"The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences." P18:21Β 

For a few weeks now our Darling Lord has been leading me again to start paying attention again to what I say and He led me to read the Psalms and Proverbs. I just discovered once again that there are beautiful promises that we can speak into our lives.

"I will be glad and rejoice in your love, for you saw my affliction and knew the anguishΒ of my soul." P31:7

Precious woman I want to encourage you to read through the Psalms and Proverbs and to speak our Darling Lord's beautiful promises into your own life. I know for me it was and still is life-changing to speak our precious Lord's promises into my life.Β 

"You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance." P32:7

12 thoughts on “What Are You Speaking?”

  1. Thank you janine yesterday i was talking to a friend of my son andi discover that he lie to me saying thar my son’s went to an outing with EH and the OW. I told him this is not my affair.
    And i knew that the devil use him to get me out the way. So i just say to the Lord in myself that i don’t want that anyone told me what they are doing. I keep y mouth close.

    1. I remember when I also was told too much and I have to be honest I wanted to hear what was going on, but now I don’t want to any more, that I too let go and it is so freeing.

  2. What perfect timing for me. thank you Jeanine! his promises are faithful and true today and forever!

    1. Yes precious Rasa our Darling Lord’s promises are really faithful and true.

  3. Thank you for sahring Janine. It is true, that Salms and Proverbs are so beautiful and fulfill wisdom for our daily lives. I love it! Time ago, He led me to record it to bless the Spanish women in my YT channel with the audio for each day: https://youtu.be/L0XoPuEugQs?si=L8-9i84DRJSD-VQL

  4. Thanks Janine. The Psalms and Proverbs have helped me a lot to understand the blessings of the Lord and his principles. Being silent is one of the main changes that the Lord has taught me, not to say anything or not to ask. And that frees us from anguish and pain.

    1. I agree with you precious Liza, by not asking it does free us from a lot of anguish and pain.

  5. Thank you Janine for reminding us that the best way to start our day is by meditating on Your Word, because in this way our minds will be renewed, and we will be filled with Your Presence!

    1. Yes precious Marta, isn’t it wonderful how our Darling Lord renews our minds with His word.

  6. They are so good!! Psalms taught me how to pray and open my heart to my Beloved, and Proverbs has made me wise!! There is so much wisdom in those 2 books, great reminder my dear!

    1. I also love praying the Psalms and yes precious Isabella there is so much wisdom in Proverbs.

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