Without Him, we can do nothing 🙏🏾🌸

"I am the vine, you are the branches; the one who remains in Me, and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing." John 15:5

Hello dear friends. Portuguese greetings.

These days, my Beloved Heavenly Husband, He woke me up to this verse, but He emphasized very well the part that says: Without me, they can do nothing!

How many of us arrived here at RMI with our hearts in pieces, because we thought we had enough structure to maintain our home. But without Him? As?
Without his word? Without his Commandments?

How could we do it?
I remember when I got married, and during my time as a married woman, which didn't take long, I felt sad, I was married, living my biggest girl's dream, but I felt sad! It was only after arriving at RMI that I realized why.

"But I have this against you, that you have left your first love." Revelation 2:4

Yes. I fell into the trap of staying away from Him, and the rain came and the house fell, and my fall was great!

Today I feel happy and honoured, because He welcomed me as His Bride 👰, and I know that everyone can leave, I can be left with nothing, but He never leaves. He is always here with me, with you, forever 💕

That's enough.
That's why I adopted the motto of saying to Him: I only have You and I only want You, my prayers 💝

Friend. Don't do anything without Him, let Him be your guide, as we learned in “Living Lessons ” - He guides me!

A hug.

«— Eu sou a videira, vocês são os ramos. Quem permanece em mim, e eu, nele, esse dá muito fruto; porque sem mim vocês não podem fazer nada.»
‭‭João‬ ‭15‬:‭5‬ ‭NAA‬‬

Olá queridas amigas. Saudações portuguesas
Esses dias, o meu Amado Marido Celestial, me
Despertou para esse versículo, mas Ele frisou muito bem a parte que diz : Sem mim, nada podem fazer!

Quantas nos, já não chegamos aqui, no RMI com o coração em pedaços, porque achávamos que tínhamos , estrutura suficiente para manter nosso lar. Mas sem Ele? Como?
Sem a Sua palavra? Sem os Seus Mandamentos?

Como poderíamos fazer?
Eu me lembro de quando me casei , e durante o meu tempo de casada, que não demorou muito, eu sentia me triste, eu estava casada, a viver o eu maior sonho de menina, mas sentia me triste! Foi só depois de chegar ao RMI que eu percebi o porque.

«Tenho, porém, contra você o seguinte: você abandonou o seu primeiro amor.»
‭‭Apocalipse‬ ‭2‬:‭4‬ ‭NAA‬‬

Sim. Eu caí na armadilha, de ficar longe dEle, e veio a chuva e casa caiu, e grande foi minha queda!

Hoje sinto me feliz e honrada, por Ele ter me acolhido como Sua Noiva 👰, e sei que Todos podem ir embora, eu posso ficar sem nada, mas Ele nunca vai. Ele está sempre aqui comigo, com você, para sempre 💕

Isso é o bastante.
Por isso eu adotei o lema de dizer a Ele : Eu só tenho Você e só quero Você , as minhas orações 💝

Amiga. Não faça nada sem Ele, deixe Ele ser seu guia, como aprendemos nas “Lições de Vida” - Ele me guia !

Um abraço.

7 thoughts on “Without Him, we can do nothing 🙏🏾🌸”

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Lessyane, I know precisely what you are talking about, because even after I got a restored marriage I felt so empty and it is only after I became my Darling Lord’s bride that I have felt fulfilled with a joy and peace that surpasses all understanding.

    1. Verdade Janine.
      Hoje eu entendo que minha alegria não está num
      Casamento, ou num casamento, mas nEle! Estou tão apaixonada! E quero estar mais ainda 😍
      It’s True Janine.
      Today I understand that my joy is not in a Marriage, or in a marriage, but in Him! I’m so in love! And I want to be even more 😍

  2. Gracias por tus palabras Lessyane. Asi es Sin El nada podemos hacer. Me reflejo en ti, mi casa se derrumbo porque no lo escuche. El esta aqui, hoy, cada momento, y sabemos que nos ama y nunca nos dejara, porque Su amor por nosotras , nos ha traido aqui y nos ha dado sanacion. Y esa es tambien mi oracion cada dia, guiame Amado y que pueda reconocerlo en todos mis caminos.
    Alabado sea el Señor.
    Thank you for your words Lessyane. That’s right. Without Him we can do nothing. I reflect on you, my house collapsed because I didn’t listen to him. He is here, today, every moment, and we know that He loves us and will never leave us, because His love for us has brought us here and has given us healing. And that is also my prayer every day, guide me Beloved and may I recognize you in all my ways.
    Praise the Lord.

    1. Que seja sempre assim querida lisa ♥️
      Porque somente Ele tem a alegria que nós tanto buscamos, e ouso dizer que até merecemos 💚

      Muito amor para você. Obrigado por estar aqui
      May it always be like this dear Lisa ♥️
      Because only He has the joy that we seek so much, and I dare say that we even deserve it 💚

      Much love to you. Thanks for being here

  3. Thank you dear Lessyanne for sharing your praise. It is fantastic to renew our minds in this truth that only He can and has the power to resolve things, and that we can do nothing and are nothing without Him in our lives.
    “Without Him we can’t live.”
    Much love to you my dear!🌷💕

    1. Verdade querida amiga. Sem Ele, não podemos, não conseguimos e 99% da vezes também não sabemos, e ainda bem ! Aleluia! Assim seremos guiados por Ele sempre 🥹♥️

      Love you
      It’s True dear friend. Without Him, we can’t, we can’t and 99% of the time we don’t know either, and that’s a good thing! Hallelujah! This way we will always be guided by Him ♥️

  4. My sweet Lessyane, thank you for sharing your journey with us. The first thing this amazing ministry taught me is to abide in Him, go to Him for everything and remain quiet. That was hard because I was such a doer. Now after 7 years of being here I am truly new person, I love my Heavenly Husband and His never ending love letters, His amazing promises and how He gentle works in my heart ♥️

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