Without the pain of poison

β€œHe will not be afraid of receiving bad news; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.”

Hello, my dear Brides.
I come to give thanks and praise to Our Beloved Heavenly Husband for healing my soul from the poison the enemy sends us through people, and in my case, always those closest to us.
These days I've been reading the Book of Nehemiah, and how they mocked me that I was going to rebuild the templeβ€”the mockery, the attacks. No one believed I could raise the walls of Jerusalem.
I'm telling you this because yesterday my earthly husband came. As I've told you, he never enters the house, he always comes to the sidewalk, and we were talking, telling me about his work, asking about the children.
This morning, the opening verse came to mind. It's like the warning Our Husband gave me. I knew my mother, who lives with us, was going to tell me something. And of course, that's how it was, to tell me things my husband said about me when he left, things I didn't know about, and to greatly offend him and me for being the biggest fool. I just kept quiet and said nothing more.
And I remembered this passage from Nehemiah, how much they mocked him, and Our Beloved Lord, also because he walked with sinners, because he sat at the table with them, and this was my medicine.
That my Husband brought these passages to my mind simply prevented those darts from penetrating me. And I can't say that what they're telling you is nice, but that poison no longer does the damage it did in the beginning.
And you know why, because we know they come from the enemy, who wants us to give up everything, to surrender.
I know that my situation isn't easy, that it's fraught with impossibilities, and I don't know the plans of my Heavenly Husband, but I know that the pain is healing, that the bad news only makes me seek Him more.
Dear Bride, it's not that we stop feeling offended, or that words don't hurt, but we are filled with the armor that the Beloved has placed within us, and they no longer penetrate the soul with the same force.
Let us continue clinging to His waist, and hidden beneath His wings, because if He allows these trials, it is so that we may run faster toward Him.

4 thoughts on “Without the pain of poison”

  1. Liza, what you’re saying is indeed true. I feel the truth of your words in my heart. It’s as if MC is speaking to me through you. I’m so grateful for this wisdom you’re sharing with me. I now see and feel how His truth and His peace are more powerful than anything. Thank you for reminding me of this.” πŸ’›βœ¨

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Liza. I am a very sensitive person and I have to admit sometimes I tend to replay, something that was said to me, for too long over in my head until I have a headache and then until I say I can’t do this anymore and ask my precious Beloved to take over and He gives me His peace that surpasses all understanding. Yes lets keep on clinging to our precious Beloved, because I know without Him I can’t do it.

  3. wondering what vurse is that in bible . for
    β€œHe will not be afraid of receiving bad news; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.” ?
    beautiful testimoni love the last part the most.
    He allows these trials, it is so that we may run faster toward Him.

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