wLL 53 β€œLiving with infinite mercies”


That the Lord's mercies never end, For His goodness never fails; ''They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness! ' Lamentations 3:23

Dear Bride, we are filled with the most beautiful mercies of the Lord, and although we may not be happy with what we are living or the place where we are, we can see how much we have been loved by Him. Don't you think it's wonderful to know that you have the Best Husband at your side, that instead of seeing what we don't like, He shows us His care for us and if we make a list we will see how many beautiful things He has given us.
When we open our eyes, and we sit down, He is there waiting for us to talk to Him about the day that begins, and we can only be silent, and feel His presence.
Beloved, He is our Love, and He is full of Fruits of wisdom, of blessings, to give us. I know you can feel it, because sometimes in the big or small things that happen to us, we know deep down that He did it for us.
It's like having a great treasure, that only we can see and feel, because we know that we are His Bride, that no one can steal that presence and that feeling from us, because He gives it to each one of us, in a perfect way.
Close your eyes, and sit next to Him, let Him embrace you, and live in His mercies, in all the good things He has given us, that we never thought we would know, and today we enjoy it, because my dear, He loves you.https://loveatlast.org/living-lessons/week-53-living-with-unending-mercies-2/

3 thoughts on “wLL 53 β€œLiving with infinite mercies””

  1. I am grateful for the Lords mercy. At times when I thought I felt like a failure and thought I can’t make it, His mercy and forgiveness helped me through. Every morning, I would remind myself that His mercy is new, and I thank Him for it. Even during tough times, our Love cares for us and offers comfort and guidance. All we need to do is accept His love, trust in His care, and find peace in His presence. May His blessings always fill our lives with gratitude and joy. ❀️

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Liza, I am so very grateful for our Darling Lord’s mercies in my life. I was so very very lost and still every day I see His mercies in my life, teaching me to go the right way. And I still make so many mistakes, but then again He is there with His mercies, correcting me so lovingly. I never ever want a life without Him again.

  3. Dear Liza, thank you for your message of encouragement on this day πŸ™πŸ½ I feel so blessed that the mercies of my Love have reached my life, this just shows how much you love meπŸ€— Your love is everything I want, I need to live πŸ₯°

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