wLL48:Just wait


'But those who wait for the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not grow weary, They will walk and not faint.'

Isaiah 40:31

Beloved, the relationship that Our Beloved wants with us is so real, it is to feel so loved and transformed, that this Light guides us and takes us to a place of rest, where we can listen to Him and wait for the gifts and desires that He wants to give us. Sometimes I tell Him that I want to have Him so close, that He ties me with His belt, so that I cannot get away from His presence, and when I read, that if we spend time with the Lord, it is inevitable that we feel His Spirit flow in us, making each day an appointment.

I want to wait for Him, just as He waited for me for so long, today I want to wait for His voice, wait for that life, and those plans that He has for each one of us.

I never liked waiting very much, but now I know that waiting will bring us blessing, that in that waiting we are able to embrace Our Heavenly Husband, and see how He works in us.

I encourage you to rest and wait for what He has promised you, He knows every word of love, every longing of our heart, so wait for everything He will bring to your life, because no one will ever fill us like He does, He will take care of us, and above all, His love lasts an eternity. https://loveatlast.org/living-lessons/week-48-just-wait-2/


Amada, la relaciรณn que Nuestro Amado quiere con nosotros es tan real, es sentirnos tan amados y transformados, que esta Luz nos guรญa y nos lleva a un lugar de descanso, donde podemos escucharlo y esperar los dones y deseos que ร‰l nos quiere dar. A veces le digo que quiero tenerlo tan cerca, que me ate con su cinturรณn, para no poder alejarme de su presencia, y cuando leo, que si pasamos tiempo con el Seรฑor, es inevitable que sintamos su Espรญritu fluir en nosotros, haciendo de cada dรญa una cita.

Quiero esperarlo, asรญ como ร‰l me esperรณ por tanto tiempo, hoy quiero esperar su voz, esperar esa vida, y esos planes que ร‰l tiene para cada uno de nosotros.

Nunca me gustรณ mucho esperar, pero ahora sรฉ que la espera nos traerรก bendiciรณn, que en esa espera somos capaces de abrazar a Nuestro Esposo Celestial, y ver cรณmo ร‰l obra en nosotros.

Te animo a descansar y esperar lo que ร‰l te ha prometido, ร‰l conoce cada palabra de amor, cada anhelo de nuestro corazรณn, por eso espera todo lo que ร‰l traerรก a tu vida, porque nadie jamรกs nos llenarรก como ร‰l lo hace, nos cuidarรก, y sobre todo, Su amor dura una eternidad. https://loveatlast.org/living-lessons/semana-48-solo-espera-2/

5 thoughts on “wLL48:Just wait”

    1. Querida, Adina, creo que la espera, es como una semilla, que esta brotando aunque no se vea, y la vamos abonando, con Su amor y con nuestra fe.Gracias Querida

    1. Querida Yvonne, y realmente es un Superpoder, el esperar, para poder ver Su gloria en nosotras.

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Liza, I also never liked waiting but now I know as long as I wait with Him it will be so worth it. And I have seen everything there is a bigger reason our Darling Lord lets me wait and I always learn something in my waiting season.

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