wll70:There is no shame

'There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and he who fears is not made perfect in love. '

1 John 4:18


Vergüenza y Culpa, son dos palabras,con las que soy débil. Le he pedido tantas veces perdón a mi Amado, por todo lo que hice mal, por todo lo que EL un dia me dio y yo lo destruí. Porque en verdad, me he sentido tan culpable y llena de vergüenza , por haber ofendido a mi Esposo Celestial, tanto tiempo antes de este Viaje.
Y se, que necesito liberarme de ellas, porque es un ataque que usa el enemigo, para desgastarnos, para no sentirnos amadas por EL.
Elijo esa liberación y esa limpieza.de mi alama y de mi mente.para solo ver la Misericordia y el Amor que trae ,el dejar estas ataduras, y correr a los brazos de Nuestro Amado Esposo Celestial.
Y como esta leccion, quiero brillar y verme radiante.libre de culpa o verguenza.porque El ya me ha lavado con Su Palabra, en los rios de sanacion. Y miro a El que no me juzga, que no ve mis errores, sino ve una Novia que desea amarlo cada dia mas, y que en mis debilidades , solo corro a buscarlo, para hallar esa paz que solo El puede darme https://loveatlast.org/living-lessons/week-70-theres-no-shame/


Shame and Guilt are two words with which I am weak. I have asked my Beloved for forgiveness so many times, for everything I did wrong, for everything HE one day gave me and I destroyed. Because truly, I have felt so guilty and full of shame for having offended my Heavenly Husband so long before this Journey.
And I know that I need to free myself from them, because it is an attack that the enemy uses, to wear us down, to not feel loved by HIM.

I choose that liberation and that cleansing of my soul and my mind to just see the Mercy and Love that comes with leaving these bonds and running into the arms of Our Beloved Heavenly Husband.

And like this lesson, I want to shine and see myself radiant. Free from guilt or shame. Because He has already washed me with His Word, in the rivers of healing. And I look at Him who does not judge me, who does not see my mistakes, but sees a Bride who wants to love Him more every day, and that in my weaknesses, I only run to look for Him, to find that peace that only He can give me.


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