WWW: C4 “Kindness Is on Her Tongue”

She opens her mouth with wisdom
and the law of kindness is on her tongue.

Proverbs 31:26 KJV

The Kindness Is on Her Tongue lesson learn meΒ soft and kind words with love are healing. And it calms the person you're talking to. Even when I talk to my child, I have to speak gently, calmly and lovingly, it helps to calm her down too. The way I talk to someone can then calm them down and make them feel more relaxed.

Lord, fill me with gentleness, kindness and love. Let your love be manifested through me. Let me say and do what you want me to do. Help me to be quiet when I need to be quiet. And give me the right word to say, and let my tone of voice be soft and kind with love, to everyone I speak to

If you want to teach your daughter, or any younger women, to be kind and soft when they speak, please read Chapter 4 Kindness Is on Her TongueΒ I also found that I learned so much from these lessons, gaining more wisdom to be a Wise Woman.

Please join the conversation by sharing your testimony in the comment section below the lesson.

A Wise Woman in Waiting

Chapter 4 Kindness Is on Her Tongue


1 thought on “WWW: C4 “Kindness Is on Her Tongue””

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Kristy. Kindness on our tongues are really so very important, just to give an example: after my dad had a stroke we really have to talk very calm to him, because that keeps him calm. This is also another example of how our Darling Lord is turning the bad that happened to my dad into something good, because He is also teaching us to be very calm. I love what He does.

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