WWW: C10 “Various Trials”

β€œConsider it all joy, my brethren, When you encounter various trials, Knowing that the testing of your faith Produces endurance.’” James 1:2-3.

We must understand that there are many benefits in the trails we face. The trails build our faith and endurance to finish the race set before us.

When our Beloved Lord allows the trails in our lives, we can rest in the fact that He is in control, and He is with us in our trails and His grace is sufficient for us.

Before my journey started, I did not handle trails very well, I handled it the way the world teaches us, trying in my own strength to get through the trails, only to get exhausted. My plans also did not produce much fruit, because I tried to solve my problems in the flesh. When my journey started, I learned through His word and the resources, how to not only face trails, but also to learn from each trail. Each trail brought me closer to my Beloved Lord, my Best Friend, and produced endurance in me, building my faith and trust in Him.


The Wise Woman in Waiting book is the book I wish I had earlier in my life, but now I can use this book to teach my daughter not to make the same mistakes I made.

If you want to teach your daughter, or any younger women, to build her life on the Rock, please read Chapter 10 Various Trials.Β I also found that I learned so much from these lessons, gaining more wisdom to be a Wise Woman.

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