WWW: ChapterΒ 12 “Children, Your Reward”Β 

β€œβ€˜For IΒ hate divorce,’ says the LORD God.” Malachi 2:16

I would highly encourage everyone to read this powerful lesson. As a mother I can honestly say that children are the greatest blessing that we as woman can receive. My children brought so much love and joy into my life, they gave my life new meaning, there is nothing like receiving a hug and a kiss with a "I love you mommy" out of the blue.

But before I became a mother, I was unsure if I wanted children, partly because of fear rooted in my own childhood pain. But once I fell pregnant with my daughter, and I felt her first butterfly movements in my tummy, I knew that I was complete, I stepped into my role as a woman.


The Wise Woman in Waiting book is the book I wish I had earlier in my life, but now I can use this book to teach my daughter not to make the same mistakes I made.

If you want to teach your daughter, or any younger women, to build her life on the Rock, please read Chapter 12 Children, Your Reward.Β I also found that I learned so much from these lessons, gaining more wisdom to be a Wise Woman.

Please join the conversation by sharing your testimony in the comment section below the lesson.

3 thoughts on “WWW: ChapterΒ 12 “Children, Your Reward”Β ”

  1. One of my favorite chapters. Children are truly a blessing. The world tries to tell us other wise but this chapter will renewed my heart with His Truth. I too, can’t wait to share these principles with my three daughters when they get older to help them not stumble over the same things I did.

  2. Thank you for sharing precious Adina, I agree children are really a blessing. I am forever grateful for my children, I love being a mum.

  3. “Wisdom is the main thing; get wisdom, and with all your possessions get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7

    I totally agree!! I would have loved to know the complete truth, and have information about the intimate relationship that the Lord wanted with me before making many mistakes in my youth. But now HE uses my mistakes and the consequences of those mistakes for good so that our dear young women are nourished with our testimonies and are blessed with wisdom.

    Fortunately, God is merciful! So no matter where you are, dear young woman, run to HIM and let HIM cleanse and correct the mistakes made, allow the Lord, your BFF, to guide you so as not to make our mistakes.

    The comments below the lesson blessed me so much, be sure to read them!

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