WWW: ChapterΒ 13 “My Ministry of Reconciliation”Β 

β€œNow, all these things are from God, Who reconciled us toΒ Himself, AndΒ gave us the ministry of reconciliation . . ." 2 Corinthians 5:18

What do we do if somebody we know, is Facing Divorce? Do we give them worldly advice like we received when we faced the destruction of our lives, leading to more and more destruction? OR do we give them sound Biblical advice?

The advice we receive often comes from people who loves us dearly, they might mean well and want the best for us, they might not want to see us get hurt or want us out of the situation we are in, wanting "better" for us. That was the situation I was in, I know the advice I received came from people who loved me dearly, but in the end their advice did not help. After I stopped seeking advice from others, and cried out to the Lord, I found RMI and learned what the Lord says in His word. I found the truth and I found comfort in Him.

Please read this lesson to gain the knowledge needed to help somebody else.


The Wise Woman in Waiting book is the book I wish I had earlier in my life, but now I can use this book to teach my daughter not to make the same mistakes I made.

If you want to teach your daughter, or any younger women, to build her life on the Rock, please read Chapter 13 My Ministry of Reconciliation.Β I also found that I learned so much from these lessons, gaining more wisdom to be a Wise Woman.

Please join the conversation by sharing your testimony in the comment section below the lesson.

3 thoughts on “WWW: ChapterΒ 13 “My Ministry of Reconciliation”Β ”

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Adina, I remember I got so much advice and little was advice according to our Darling Lord’s Word and I agree it didn’t help at all. I also have to admit I know I also gave so much wrong advice, talking out of anger towards men but I am so grateful for our Darling Lord’s forgiveness and grace in my life.

  2. Adina, it is true, everyone has an opinion, and not based on the teachings of the Bible, contrary to what we have learned.
    Everyone wants the best for us, as long as it is what others do, thanks to Our Beloved who opened our eyes and ears to His Truth.

  3. Thank you for this valuable reminder, Adina. It is true that when we arrive we depend a lot on what others tell us and we seek human advice or advice from someone we believe is “closer to God” because desperation simply makes us think that we have to do something immediately. The eagerness is not a great help at that moment although it is all that we FEEL eagerness and urgency:

    “The plans of the diligent are surely advantageous, But everyone who is hasty surely comes to poverty.” Proverbs 21:5

    “Where there is no good advice, the people fall, But in the abundance of counselors there is victory.” Proverbs 11:14

    “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

    It is when we have the multiple advices of His Word that we find the perfect guide for our journey.

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