"She looks well to the ways of her household, And does not eat the bread of idleness." Proverbs 31:27
This lesson taught me so much because I used to believe I must work outside the house and build a career. I tried to manage my household, my children, my marriage and my career, only to be exhausted and failing miserably which was evident in the destruction of my life.
This part of the chapter really touched me so much because I can see myself years ago in what the author shared:
"Women do this whether they are sick, pregnant, or have just had a baby. Many women dress their children, feed them breakfast as fast as possible, figure out what to feed them for lunch, and get themselves ready to go. These same women drop their babies in the arms of caregivers as they cry, and many times, they cry themselves on their way to work. The life of women today is nothing but a rush, a blur, and tremendously hard work."
Where I was once a "career-minded-woman, independent and successful", I found myself crying every time I dropped my children off at the cheche on my way to work. I used to pray all the way to work, asking the Lord to please provide a way out. Years later He answered my prayer after the total destruction of my life. But I am so grateful for this journey He took me on, not only to change me, but to now be able to also Homeschool my children!!
The Wise Woman in Waiting book is the book I wish I had earlier in my life, but now I can use this book to teach my daughter not to make the same mistakes I made.
If you want to teach your daughter, or any younger women, to build her life on the Rock, please read Chapter 13 My Ministry of Reconciliation.ย I also found that I learned so much from these lessons, gaining more wisdom to be a Wise Woman.
Please join the conversation by sharing your testimony in the comment section below the lesson.
It still sometimes feels like a dream to me. When I give my praise of how my Lovely Lord made the impossible possible for me to homeschool, I sometimes think that I am not really able to convey the absolute miracle it was for me to be able to homeschool. How many things had to fall just in place in a certain way in order for me to be able to homeschool.
Then, after you went through your custody loss, He made it possible for you to homeschool your children, wow, what an amazing miracle.
Yes, Yvonne it was really only Him who made it possible for both of us to Homeschool. Looking back, I can see how wonderfully my Beloved worked everything out, I might not have seen in while I was going through the custody loss, but I didn’t need to see it then, He already knew and had everything worked out.
That was me precious Adina and now my children are all grown up and it was tremendous work and time I can’t get back. But now I believe my Darling Lord to use the lost time for good.