This week, read Chapter 2, "Your First Love."
For your Young Warrior sons, "First Loves."
Comment and encourage others at the bottom of each chapter page.
A Wise Woman in Waiting
A Wise Woman
"But I have this against you,that you have left your first love."
Revelations 2:4
RMI is excited to invite you and your family to a Wednesday study, A Wise Woman in Waiting and A Wise Woman. For your brothers, fathers, and uncles, we have A Wise Man, and for sons, Wise Man Warrior courses.
Friends, I didn't know God as my Lord or my First Love, I only knew Him as God sitting up in heaven. I had to first lose my life to find out that I can have a relationship with Him as my Father, my Best Friend or my Heavenly Husband.
After my journey started, I got to know Him as my First Love, and my life and my journey started to change. I also teach my children that He must be their First Love because without Him in His rightful place in our hearts, we will be left hurt and disappointed by the love of other humans, just like I learnt on this journey.
The Wise Woman in Waiting book is the book I wish I had earlier in my life, but now I can use this book to teach my daughter not to make the same mistakes I made and the Wise Man Warrior course for my son. I learned so much from these lessons and gained more wisdom to be a wise woman.
If you want to teach your children and encourage your family members to join you in building their lives on the Rock, our websites will post the same lesson for the entire family each Wednesday.
Please Encourage Women by sharing your testimony in the comment section below the lesson.
A toi soit toute l’honneur HH . Je rends grâce à Dieu parce qu’il me rappelle qu’il doit être le premier dans ma vie.
Alors que je me prends des râteaux constamment j’ai oublié que mon HH est toujours disponible et que je ne lui donne pas ce temps . Merci Krysty.
To you be all the honor HH. I thank God because he reminds me that he must be first in my life.
While I’m constantly beating myself up, I’ve forgotten that my HH is always available and that I don’t give him that time. Thanks Krysty.
This book is so goood!! This is wisdom! The perfect way to teach and prepare our daughters for a life with Him, because we have been set apart for His good!!
This is a perfect gift for every young woman we know! A book to understand our true identity in our Beloved!
Thank you so much for sharing precious Kristy, how beautiful that you are teaching your daughter and that you also get to share with your mother too. And isn’t our Darling Lord’s love and grace so wonderful because now you can teach you daughter although you didn’t know it from a young age. I just love what our Darling Lord does.