WWW: C7 “Chaste and Respectful”

β€œIn the same way, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the Word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives, as they observe yourΒ chasteΒ and respectful behavior.” 1 Peter 3:1-2

The feminist movement teaches women to be the kind of women that is totally the opposite of what we are taught in His Word, and social media contribute a lot to "normalize" the feminist, worldly views of what a woman should be.

Our daughters are being influenced by the worldly view of what a woman should be and are being stripped of their identity in their Heavenly Father. Having the desire to be a worker at home, raise and homeschool your own children and remaining pure, chaste and respectful is frowned upon and criticized.

The Wise Woman in Waiting book is the book I wish I had earlier in my life, but now I can use this book to teach my daughter not to make the same mistakes I made.

If you want to teach your daughter, or any younger women, to build her life on the Rock, please read Chapter 7 β€œChaste and Respectful”.Β I also found that I learned so much from these lessons, gaining more wisdom to be a Wise Woman.

Please join the conversation by sharing your testimony in the comment section below the lesson.

1 thought on “WWW: C7 “Chaste and Respectful””

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Adina, I too wish I had the book years ago as well as the Ministry. I remember when I started working, I was working with only women that would quickly lift their opinions about men and how all men were bad and they were not going to listen to a man and I followed a lot in some of those ways (but I don’t blame them, I blame myself for listening and following).

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