You Can Expect a Shift

♕ Today's Promise: “Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him” Psalm 37:7

☊ PR Podcast Lianna

Hello brides I just want to share that God is doing something in my marriage because I’ve let him take the lead and full control and I want to share a bit of what he’s doing...

since my EH left me he rarely text me if he did was solely about visitation time with our daughter or just to confirm but lately I’ve noticed a shifted he still talks about our daughter a lot but I just no there’s more to it .

Last week he text me almost the whole week back and forth we text he even let me know if I needed him he would be off limits because he would be in The army base training during the weekend . That being said the next day early morning he text me saying he hated the fact he had to ask me if he could borrow money from me since his car battery died and he had to report to base . I didn’t hesitated and I lend him a bit more to cover his expenses . He text me right after he got home this Sunday evening and thank me for helping him . (Which is my pleasure because well he is my EH) He also let me know he would when he was leaving to boot camp but I didn’t text back I wasn’t sure what to text and I just want my HH to guide and feel peace to text him back and I also fell asleep but today he text me again and told me again when he was leaving for boot camp I just smiled and I knew God is up to something .. I didn’t reply right away and then he text me again saying “are you ok”?

Brides when your husband ‘s wall of hate falls down you can expect a shift because my EH hasn’t really asked me or been concern if I’m okay he always wanted to Our convos about only our daughter in the beginning but now I can see the shift and I praise my HH for it

I played it cool and refuse to be needy or just put my focus all on him so i just said “ok let me know when you want to bait again with our daughter “.. me trying to end the convo but he proceeded to text and he told me he would send us money when he could he Was gonna ask the chaplain When he’s out there also another thing and I’ll finish this praise report with this he mention he will be reading his bible and that makes me so very joyful because Guess what brides it so happens he will be seeking and talking to my HH while he’s out there and that’s just lovely because he has this in the palm of his hands and I know and I’m decreeing and declaring and already praising my HH that he will be enlightened and his relationship will be restored with my HH leading to our Marriage restoration ! Praise be to our HH he is in control of everything I will continue to seek him and praise him ! I am waiting cheerfully to tithe once I received my check ! Hallelujah love you My HH .

"A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9

~ Lianna in California
I’m a tithing​ partner. Learn more​.

Chapter 13

Cut All My Credit Cards Up

“‘Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse,
so that there may be food in My house, and
test Me now in this,’ says the Lord of hosts,
‘if I will not open for you the windows of heaven, and
pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.’”