You Left Me Speechless

β™• Today's Promise: "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7

~ Poppy in Costa Rica

☊ PRAISE from Poppy

My dear brides,
Due to regulations, we need to go through a car revision every year. A year ago, I completely forgot to take the car to the mechanic for a full revision and I only prayed to the Lord to get a positive result, which I did because my Beloved was faithful.

This year, the Lord reminded me a month prior to make all appointments in order to be check by the mechanic. The car stayed for 10 days at the garage approximately and I left some money to cover any parts that were needed. When I got the phone call that the car was ready, I asked the balance of payment so I could get the money ready, but to my surprise the answer was that everything was covered and that there was change for me.

I did not ask how much was my change but I felt at that moment that I needed to give the change as a tip no matter what the amount was.

When I got to the garage, I was given the change ($65 approx) and I immediately put it back into the mechanic's hand. He and his wife are very old friends of my family, they know me since I was single, they attended my wedding, so now you understand how close our families are. Anyway, the thing is that because they are close, they know about my journey, my work and everything. Coming back to putting the money back into the mechanic's hand, his first reaction was that he could not take it because it was a big amount.

My answer was please take it, this is not from him, it is a Gift from the Lord and He is using me. And if that is not enough explanation, please take it because if you don't, you will be stopping the blessing coming to my life. When he heard that he said, okay now you left me speechless because I would never stop blessings coming to you.

A few days after that, I had to buy 2 tires for the car. So I went to the store and when I asked for the price, the salesman said, well the tires you are asking for are today on sale because we are at the end of the month and as you can imagine I was jumping of joy because I knew my Beloved was behind that.

In the same week but a few days after, I had to buy some pills for a dental treatment, I did not know they were very expensive, but my Beloved orchestrated everything just for me to request a change of prescription due to my fragile stomach. When I went to see the doctor in a different clinic, he suggested to use the drugstore in site and he went with me to request the pills. At the moment I was told the treatment was expensive so I praised the Lord in my mind for that and waited to pay. The doctor requested the pills from a less expensive lab, but only the original and most expensive were available. At some point the pharmacist asked the Doctor if she could get a coupon for me to redeem and asked if I had time for her to do it.

I was never told the price of the treatment nor the coupon discount amount, however I said with a lot of joy that I could wait the entire day if necessary.

The pharmacist which is a mature lady, had a lot of patience and got the online discount coupon for me. When she was preparing the bill, she said: it is worthy to wait in order to get a discount of $20 and I was in awe, because it was my first time getting a big discount for pills.

As you see, I had double blessing in a week that I am sure is coming for just listening to Him and obeying about giving a tip to the mechanic. This principle of giving is very powerful when He is the one asking us to do it.

Just to finish, I had to go back to the mechanic as the car needs another part to be replaced and I was extremely happy to tell him what the Lord was doing and how important it is to take all blessings He is sending us. His eyes were watering when he heard what I said, so please remember to follow always His Lead.

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7

"After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before." Job 42:10

Our Frenchs’ Ministry Pastor and RMI's Director of Operations.
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