Dear Brides, a life of joy awaits you, but first, we must learn how to get there. In this Chapter 2 “Finding Your Life” you will discover how to open your mind and heart and walk right in…
Lately, I have experienced a lot of pain anger and all that comes with it for the actions or lack of actions of my EH to the point where my heart hurts and I know I cannot do anything, I have repeated the magical words. You are all I need, You are all I want, I love you, this just to hold me up while I keep going. To get to my lessons and yes for some reason all of a sudden I am not giving thought to those issues.
This lesson brought me so much joy it doesn’t get any more perfect which is exactly how I feel today as my world has fallen, but I too for some reason don’t want or seek a restored marriage so much. Only if is God’s will. Now all I want is to be happy, enjoy life, live pain-free. I am working on having no grudges, anger, or resentment. I feel like once that is pass, I shall be even more at peace and enjoy my HH more. I have started with: You are all I need, and You are all I want. Little by little my heart lives and I get closer to my HH. Today I know he woke me up for this marvelous lesson.
Today I learned I am not crazy or in la la land. This woman confirmed that everything that I desire is possible to achieve. Love, feeling secured, protected, and most importantly I learned not to hold back, ask my HH for whatever I desire, talk to him because he answers and not hold back. I will continue to reach for that close intimate relationship I long for, nothing makes me happier than being with my HH ohh and I would love to show my girls as young as they are about feeling joys with God.
Pray with me as we seek intimacy with Him that changes us: Dear Heavenly Husband you know that all I want is you, I already know that if I have you, I have everything I need. I so long to have a more intimate relationship with you. Show me and guide me to take the right steps towards just that. I too want to feel fantastic, at peace. I want to radiate just like these women who have you. I want people to ask what are you doing? You look great! I want to live a life of passion, where all my needs are met. Also please help me forgive those that need forgiving, help me understand them or have compassion for them so I can move on.
Dear Brides. Do you feel like your world has fallen? As simple as it may sound don’t worry there is hope, that place of joy you so desire is close, keep pushing read this lesson Chapter 2 “Finding Your Life” to find your joy.
Do you still feel like something is missing? Like there’s an empty space deep down? Search no more as God has just answered your prayers, open your mind, your ears, and your heart and be prepared to be blown away to discover joy, love, and peace.
~ Emma
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Luke 6:38 “Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.”
Matthew 6:19–21 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”