Dear ladies,
I want to tell you about another thing that He changed in me during my restoration journey and for what I am very grateful.
Even when I was dating my earthly husband and when I married him, I wanted him to change in several manners. Especially, his manners which people, normally, don’t do and we used to fight for them a lot. You know what I realized recently? Since our marital crisis was not adultery, alcohol, or drugs, but those other things that caused us a dark valley, what lasted about 5 years, my EH did not change at all. :)))) Even some of my EH’s behavior went to even more unusual extremes. Well, my Beloved has completely reshaped me and how I react to my husband’s behavior and his actions. And I am so grateful for all the pain that seemed unbearable and never-ending at that time. But it ended, it broke my heart, it broke off the hardened layers on it. That pain drew me closer to my dear Jesus more than anything else before. That pain caused me to be able to hear the truth about my sins, not my husband’s, and that pain caused me, step by step, to be able to live these principles and accept my husband like he is, with his extremist behavior, trusting in the Lord that He will protect us as a family and looking at Him that I don’t have to be ashamed from his behavior in front of the others. (one day I will talk more about this kind of behavior, because I feel that it is a modern problem of this society, with which men are hurting women, and psychologists have only defined it as a certain type of personality that cannot be lived with and needs to be divorced)
Ladies, do you see why we sometimes have to go through those dark valleys? Also your dark valley will end one day and that pain will disappear, but now it is still making the necessary changes in you that will help you live a more abundant and beautiful life. ๐
I was reading Streams in the Desert yesterday and it was really a tough one to read but at the same time it was extremely comforting to know that even if this is the path that we sometimes have to take, we have so much to look forward to.
Exactly Yvonne, and it is so important to keep this in mind because our dark valleys seems never ending and we fall into sadness and self-pity, what make it worst and I am sure in my case even longer. Big hug from Slovakia my dear ๐