Your Heart Will Thrill And Rejoice! ๐Ÿ’ž

โ€œThen you will see and be radiant, and your heart will thrill and rejoice; because the abundance of the sea will be turned to you, the wealth of the nations will come to youโ€ (Is. 60:5).

I would like to share with you the My Beloved Daily Devotional of a few days ago, for July 27th.

โ€œThen you will see and be radiant, and your heart will thrill and rejoice; because the abundance of the sea will be turned to you, the wealth of the nations will come to youโ€ (Is. 60:5).

Beloved, the day that the Lord turns your entire situation aroundโ€”the day that you are radiant with His loveโ€”is the day that your heart will thrill and rejoice! Your heart, the heart that was broken and pierced so deeply that it seemed that actual death was at your door for the intensity of the pain, is now, now, the heart that is about to burst with the thrill and joy of your redemption! And all that you can do now is rejoiceโ€”rejoice!!

Beloved, not only will this occur, but God also promised that the abundance, the wealth that was gone, will be turned to you! It is His to give. And He has had the wicked storing it up to be given to you. This also is His promise. Begin to picture it in your mind and heart if it has not yet manifested it the flesh. Allow your heart, right now, to begin to thrill and rejoice because the abundance and wealth will soon be arriving at your lightโ€”rejoice!

On that day even before I read it my heart was filled with so much joy. I am truly rejoicing in the light of The Lover of my soul, My Beloved Lord, whom I'm so in love with. We were remembering when my heart was broken into a million pieces and He put every piece back together again and healed my heart.
"the day that the Lord turns your entire situation aroundโ€”the day that you are radiant with His loveโ€”is the day that your heart will thrill and rejoice!"
That day is here! It is now! He has turned my situation around and my heart has been fully rejoicing in Him. Rejoicing in the abundant life He is giving me. He has turned the abundance unto me. Not material things. It is Him and Him alone that He gives to me in abundance. Abundance and wealth are mine as He is the most Valuable Thing I could receive, He is my Precious Treasure. Many things have happened to my heart lately. He has cleansed my heart, broken soul ties and strong holds and set me free. Free to be COMPLETELY His Bride forever ๐Ÿ’ž

I have been spending so much time alone with my Beloved recently but more PR are to come to share with you, my sisters in Christ, my fellow brides ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜

4 thoughts on “Your Heart Will Thrill And Rejoice! ๐Ÿ’ž”

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Ruby, I remember the day my spouse left me, it really felt like I was going to die of heart ache and wanted to, but now my heart is filled with so much joy all because of Him.

  2. It’s great to hear how He has healed your heart and you are rejoicing in the abundant life. ๐Ÿ’•

  3. God does heal our broken hearts. I too remember when my husband left I didnโ€™t know oneโ€™s heart could hurt so much. But one day a brother in Christ came to me and told me -i want to pray for healing of your heart. He said a simple prayer – Lord heal her heart. Suddenly I felt a hand touch my actual heart and a dam broke inside me. I cried like for 1 hour but it was a cry of release not sadness and from that day on my heart was full of Gods joy. All praise and honor to my beloved โค๏ธ

  4. Dearest Ruby, thank you for sharing this. I also like to sit with my Beloved Lord and think back to the time when I was broken, how He swooped in and pulled me out of the miry pit and turned my life around, how He healed me and gave me so much more than I ever imagined! No it is not in material things, but things of eternal value, like peace, joy and the Abundant life!

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