Your Testimony Can Help Others

“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness." (J313)

My Husband led me to think back on my journey, where and how it started and where I am now.

Looking back, my journey was so worth it, despite everything I faced the last couple of years. I will not exchange my journey for anything because I met my Heavenly Husband and He is all I want and all I live for and it feels like I am floating on air. As you will read on the main page of 💗LoveAtLast: “Move way up until you feel that your heart could soar—like you're floating on air!”

But the beginning of my journey was quite different, I was heartbroken and desperate, wanting only marriage restoration, nothing else mattered because I wanted the pain to go away. I was depressed and each day was a struggle, caring for my two beautiful children was a struggle. I didn’t think anything else but restoration could ever make me happy again and I didn’t want to hear anything to the contrary.

I found RMI in my desperation, not knowing what He was about to do in my life. I started the courses, but somewhere during Course 2 my heart started to change. I started to let go. There is truly freedom in letting go. Freedom from getting hurt, freedom from getting rejected, freedom to focus on your First Love and freedom to find true, pure and unconditional love. Love that makes your heart soar.

And this love can only be found in your Heavenly Husband. He took me on this amazing journey with Him, He Healed Me, He filled all the voids in my heart. And I finally understood happiness cannot be found in somebody else, true joy and peace can only be found in your Heavenly Husband.

Doesn’t matter what your current situation is; married, separated, engaged, unmarried, we all need Him to be our First Love and have Him first in our lives and hearts, then everything else will fall into place. He fills us with so much love and it will overflow, and we will be able to give it away, unconditionally.

Yes, I do still have trails, and I faced some huge trails during my journey, but as His Bride we face it differently. We can have peace and joy during trails, we can go through it with Him by our sides and hold on to the fact that He have amazing plans for us. During all our trails we can rest in Him because He is in control and nothing surprises Him. Because I am His Bride and through His strength and with His help I was able to forgive and love unconditionally.

Embrace the journey He called you on and seek Him as your Heavenly Husband, leave your situation at His feet and let Him do what only He can do while you draw closer to Him and soak in His love for you. He is waiting for you to answer His call to heal you and to love you UNCONDITIONALLY with an EVERLASTING LOVE.

He also called us on this journey to encourage others who might go through the same heartbreak and pain you went through, and your testimony can help others to find hope and love everlasting from their Heavenly Husband.

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7 thoughts on “Your Testimony Can Help Others”

  1. Thank you for sharing your journey dear Adina, I also always thought all I needed was a restored marriage but still after that I felt so empty and now I realize all I needed was our wonderful Lord’s everlasting love, that love that gives us peace and joy that surpasses all understanding. What a beautiful promise and He really loves us with an everlasting love.

    1. Yes, my dear Janine, we can be in a any situation that we might think will make us happy, only to feel empty. We need our HH and His love first to complete us and to fill the void inside us. And once we overflow with His love, we can love others unconditionally.

  2. Dear Adina,
    i dont know that i ever told you that the opening vers that you used, my favorite bible verse is. The name for the Dutch encouragement website was chosen based on this text.
    When we as women find out how and how much our Lord loves us, we cannot imagine it. I certainly don’t.

    When I came here as a woman I knew my Lord as God and Ruler of the world. Never heard of Him being my husband. Just thought it was strange. But now, a number of years later, He has shown me that He can and wants to be there in every area of my life. That is amazing. Rejected and abandoned how I felt after the divorce is no longer there. For I know that I will never again be abandoned or rejected by the One who filled my emptiness. For the sake of my children and their future, I would like to see my marriage 💒 restored. And if it is His will it will happen. If not, I know He is the only one I need to live a very happy and blessed marriage as His bride. And to testify of that.

    1. Thank you for sharing that my dear Kristine, it’s amazing how our Husband heals all those feelings of rejection and abandonment that we might feel. Just knowing that He loves us with an everlasting love and will never reject or abandon us, is absolutely amazing because we are safely wrapped in His arms.
      ‘He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. ‘ Psalms 91:4

  3. Dear Adina, I can’t agree more. Doesn’t matter what life stage we are in, we all need our Heavenly Husband. Even to day I think about how wonderful it would be if I could have known Him as my HH before I got married – I would be riding all these adversity waves like a champ because I have Him by my side. He put in my heart to help the hurting women out there to find Him and that gives me so much joy and happiness.

    1. Thank you, my dear Gioia, I also thought about that, if I knew Him as my Heavenly Husband years and years ago things would have been so different, but then He showed me that I needed to go through everything I went through to form and shape me and to have testimonies to share with others.
      But PTL we can teach our children to find Him as their Heavenly Father and Best Friend!

  4. Thank you for sharing your Journey Adina, is very encouraging, it helps me to continue and focus in my HH, also would like to count all the blessings that he will bring.

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