Never in a Million Years, Have I Ever Thought…

He has taught me to trust Him, in the midst of the storm, not to be afraid of anything at all. He has allowed everything for a reason. And that I will see my rewards very soon, and not to worry or fret anymore. I look at my life for the past few years, since 2011. I have been totally alone, save for my family for a reason. I used to look at men, eg ex-husband, partners, friends for support, provision, advice ..etc…

Now I am glad for the isolation, because with me being hedged up with nowhere to go. I learnt to know HIM, the only One who truly matters, and to lean on no one, no men for anything at all… To go only to HIM and Him Alone.!

I am so glad and happy!

I am no longer going to fear any adversities that come along my way, but to just rest in Him and trust Him to bring something wonderful out of it all.

Reading Living the Abundant Life “You’re Being Set-Up” it made me glad, relieved and even happy knowing that HE is in total control of every thing.Β The One forming light and creating darkness, Causing well being and creating calamity; I am THE LORD who does all these Isaiah 45;7

“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes among you for your testing as though some strange things were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing; so that also at the revelation of His glory, you may rejoice with exultation” 1 Peter 4;12

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. in this world you will have trouble. but take heart! I have overcome the world” John 16;33

These are His promises that keep me going. Right now I am struggling with impatience with seeing all His wonderful promises come to pass! πŸ™‚

Previously I was impatient because of fear, worry and dread, during the trail… Now I am just so excited! After learning today that all that has happened to me is just simply a huge set up! Hence I suppose, joyful, excited impatience! πŸ™‚

My Darling HH,
I must say, YOU stunned me today! Prompting me to read today’s devotional on A Wave of adversity. You know sometimes I skip it, I just wanted to start on my lesson right away…But You said no, I am so glad I listened!!!

Never in a million years, have I ever thought I would be reading something I wrote on this site!
Wow! My beloved, I am still in shock!

You remember just the other day, I was just wondering if I am doing alright with these lessons, how I can help and contribute to this ministry since, I can’t translate and my resources are limited at the moment…I have never thought that what I wrote in my lessons could possibly help anyone at all …Thank You my love… You know I have been feeling a little low lately, WHAT A WAY TO CHEER ME UP! Wow!!! Thank You, thank You , Thank You!!!!

Thank You for all the signs of Your promises that You have just given me yesterday! Jackpot ! πŸ™‚
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!! Thank You so much for all the new love songs You gave me this week! I love them! There will be miracles when you believe. I look to you. Endless love. I have nothing. Without you. I’ll be there. Count on me and Β You make me feel brand new.

I love You, You are so good to me My beloved! I can’t praise You enough!!!

~ Sandra from Indonesia