I Love the Restoration Fellowship

β™• Today's Promise: "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

☊ PR Podcast Liora

I wanted to praise my HH (Heavenly Husband) for allowing me to attend a RF (Restoration Fellowship) zoom meeting. I had thought about it but really didn't know if I should join. I needed to make a new email address and upload different social media apps that I wasn't sure I wanted. As I got a couple of invitations I just kept putting it off. Yesterday, I got an email with the link to the zoom call today and I felt led to take the steps to join in the fellowship so I did the required steps. This morning as the zoom meeting was about to begin i felt very nervous and fearful but I prayed and asked my HH to lead me so I got on.

Seeing these women and their smiles and hearing their praises about what our HH (Heavenly Husband) is doing in their lives brought so much encouragement to me and put a smile on my face too! To know and SEE that im seeking God along with these beautiful courageous women makes my heart so happy and it is all because of Him! He called us to Him and He wants to reveal so much of himself to us and I believe that He loves when we get together like this and just talk about how good and wonderful He is! I'm so happy that He led me to join and took my fear away and that He has put me with like minded women. I really haven't had anyone since I've started this journey because most give me worldly advice and I don't need that advice so I've stuck to myself and God.

Thank you so much My Love for encouraging me to join these zoom fellowships so that we can talk about how much you mean to us and how much we want and need you.

Isaiah 40:31 "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

He keeps renewing my strength because this is what I pray for daily so that I can persevere and finish the race set before me. For some reason I got up this morning saying "endure until the end." I believe that's why he's strengthening me so that i can keep pushing through. Giving me this fellowship with these ladies on zoom has definitely encouraged and strengthened me.

~ Liora in Texas
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