Still Walking with a Cane

Ziva also wanted to share:

To all the precious women who come to this ministry, I want to encourage you… don’t think that everything is a victory! I came to this ministry feeling completely broken due to the destruction of my marriage, but I held very strongly onto the Lord’s hand, I held onto Him with all of my soul, spirit and heart… I had terrible days of weeping and agony!… but He gave me so many promises and I held onto them and I believed each one of them and I still do, when I began my restoration journey, He gave me this promise: Psalm 126:5 “Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy” … and also Psalm 37:4, 5 “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this” I believed Him and I still do, even in the midst of adversity….

To you precious lady, you who are going through sorrowful times, I encourage you to depend on GOD alone, do not depend on anyone else, only Jesus!! He is GOD, my GOD, your GOD, our GOD!!! Who works wonderful things, Who grants the desires of your heart, if you delight yourself in Him!!!

I’m currently still walking with a cane, but only out of obedience to my doctor, but my faith is well grounded, that sooner rather than later, I will be dancing again and jumping up in praise to my GOD, Who will renew my bones, and will make them stronger and healthier… in the name of Jesus!! I love Him with my life, with my heart, He is my everything!

If there is one thing I am so grateful for is how spiritually fed I continue to be here with this ministry! What we offer is the truth that so many hurting women need and although I never felt adequate to minister per say, I did have a strong desire to share not only what I had learned but how it has changed my life. How could we not want to share the joy and peace we have now knowing our Lord so intimately?!? I wanted to go to a mountain rooftop and shout out the good news!!

And, I can say that is all we need, a willing heart and our HH will do the rest. He will guide us and strengthen us in ways we never imagined. So don’t be discouraged but trust He will show you the path that is perfectly designed for you.

In addition to Ziva’s testimony, we also have some correspondence since Ziva is part of our Spanish team and so many of our ministers were able to not just meet—but to fall in love with this beautiful woman.

Hello Anita:

I am sending you the picture for my RMT and I hope all is well! It is a prophetic picture of our wedding before God, since I was never married in the church, and my husband never wanted to put on his wedding ring since 3 years ago, but Praise God, for this picture that we took yesterday, he got excited when my mom said why not put on the wedding rings?… and he said yes bring me our rings…. I was shocked! And in obedience I went running!!! HAHAHA. so you can see the picture.

And you know this weekend I went in Facebook to go over some Christian events and scroll a bit and there was various pages of wedding dresses… like GOD was telling me, my daughter pick out your dress that this promise will be complete!.. and yesterday talking to my daughter about the beautiful dressed i found, my EH said that the christian churches do only massive weddings (with lots of couples at once)… and I said, no, if you ask the pastors, they will marry you and bless the union and he just stayed thinking….

Please, start getting prepared to visit Peru, that in the name of Jesus my renewal of wedding vows is coming!! and for me it will be so important and very special to have you all with me! you all are important part of my life… Love you Anita, Erin, Tara and all the beautiful women that joined us in Nicaragua, my sisters Cesia, Cinthya and Nancy.

A kiss and blessings!

~ Ziva in Peru
Seduced by Vane and Unimportant Things


Once you Fast Facebook, when your HH knows your heart is His, once you’ve taken the step, discovering your BNN and are using it to be transparent while ministering to other women—that’s when He will use Facebook (and other social media) for good.

1 Peter 3:13-15—
“Who is there to harm you if you prove zealous for what is good? But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed and do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled, but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.” Share