Thank You Love for Being in Control

β™• Today's Promise: β€œI will praise the LORD with all my heart. I want to tell all your admirable deeds. I will rejoice and be glad in you, I will sing your name, O Most High. My enemies are gone up, they shall meet, and perish before thee; For you have defended my right and settled my dispute. You sat on the throne, Judge righteous.” Psalm 9: 2-5

☊ PR Podcast MÑria

Dear women and warriors. I would like to share with you in this praise of my healing. When I got to the point where my husband left me in my own stupidity, I was so desperate that I wanted to die. No, I didn't really want to hurt myself, I was just in so much pain that I wished I wasn't. My sister-in-law took me to a psychiatrist and he told me that I was depressed. He gave me sedatives. However, nothing brought me relief, so I almost stopped taking the medicine. The doctor also admitted that the drugs did not apply to me. You laugh when I tell you the last time he gave me chocolate, instead of a prescription for medicine. When I started the lessons, I was not close to the Lord and it took me a long time to find understanding for the things I read. I went through the lessons so many times and I was still very desperate because I gave the enemy the opportunity to convince me again and again that my marriage had no hope. This was his fortress, which began in my childhood. My parents divorced and my life wasn't good even then.

Now I am in a place where I recognize my sins and regret everything I have caused. I found my Heavenly Husband and I learn to pass everything on to Him every day, and still when I am sad, I praise Him for everything. I started looking for songs of praise and I managed to find beautiful praises in my language that I understand. I know He's healing me and I'll be fine. Thank you love for being in control and teaching me. I praise you every day and thank you. I don't need a doctor or medication anymore.

2 β€œI will praise the LORD with all my heart. I want to tell all your admirable deeds.
3 I will rejoice and be glad in you, I will sing your name, O Most High.
4 My enemies are gone up, they shall meet, and perish before thee;
5 For you have defended my right and settled my dispute. You sat on the throne, Judge righteous.”
Psalm 9: 2-5

This was today's Psalm and I am exactly where I am beginning to praise and listen to songs of praise. verse 4-5 is a promise to me.

~ MΓ‘ria in Slovakia
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