โ Today's Promise: "so that from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting men may know there is none besides me. I am the LORD, and there is no other. I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these thingsโ Isaiah 45:6โ7
From ~ Annabella in Belgium
Dear brides, do you trust the Lord with everything? Even your finances? As a separated/divorced woman, the financial situation can easily go downhill leaving the enemy whispering in your ear that it is going to be worse. Fortunately for us that's a lie. Let's take the time to find out why with the Word and let's know the truth about the power of our Heavenly Husband.
This lesson โWhat Do You Believeโ in the Abundant Life course 3 The Poverty Mentality, has made me understand that it's alright to go through tough moments or where the trials seem harder or endless but it is because He is working something inside of us or for us. That said, I must keep my eyes on HIM and trust HIM, really trust HIM and to be able to live His promises. I believe in HIM, but I deep down inside of me, I know that when it comes to my finances my fears get the upper hand on me. Above all, I feel less alone in this type of struggle and I feel understood. I know that I can overcome this feeling and have total faith in my Heavenly Husband despite the circumstances.
I realized that finances can be a struggle for many women. When you don't have a human solution, you can only rely on Him. It is true that when we help Him in what He has planned for us, we tend to take credit for it. The way to ensure that all the glory goes to Him is to make sure that humanly speaking, it's impossible for us to make a way.
During the first 3 months of my restoration journey I had no income. My unemployment benefits were blocked due to a human error but I was at peace because I knew that at some point everything would be unlocked and I would get paid. Having faith was easy.
Today, the bills have been piling up and even though I receive income from benefits, I am still more or less short of being able to pay for everything and this time, I don't have any blocked income waiting for me so I must TOTALLY and blindly trust Him and have faith that He will provide for ALL my needs even though humanly I can't see how.
I have to remember that my Heavenly Husband can give me all things even in my sleep. I have to let go, stop believing that hard work is the only way to have an abundant life. I need to truly deeply trust Him.
I have learned that sometimes He puts us in dead-end situations so that only his hand on our situation can get us out so that all the glory goes to Him. We need to trust Him no matter what it looks like.
"so that from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting men may know there is none besides me. I am the LORD, and there is no other. I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these thingsโ Isaiah 45:6โ7
This verse reminds us that EVERYTHING comes from Him, both : adversity and prosperity. It's easy to believe that God makes us go through trials to train us, open our eyes or whatever, but when it comes to the promise of wealth, it is harder for us to believe. I wonder why!
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Poverty Mentalityย is available as an e-book in our bookstore!