My Sin Felt as Large Mountains of Burdens

I know that Moving Mountains, Chapter 2. Owe No Man speaks mainly of being free financially but as I read the chapter through twice, I also thought of how easily I have at points in my life seen my sin as large mountains of burdensโ€”feeling I have sinned so bad that I could never go back to His presence. Even with reading “owe no man except to love him”, this was me with my HH. How could I love or say and believe I love Him if I was sinning? It was such an inside struggle because I had such a huge debt against HIM. I felt I was no longer FREE to love Him especially because I knew better. This makes it even harder to come back and then I feel farther and farther away and in exchange, it’s so hard to have that fellowship and expression of Love He longs for.

That is why I praise the Lord for this ministry and its teachings!

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faithโ€”and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of Godโ€” not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV

I grew up hearing, “God helps those who help themselves” but it is the truth that sets us free!!! We have been saved by grace and our faith in Him, a complete GIFT from God.

I had to accept His love and that He PAID my debt and forgives ALL my sins so that I CAN BE FREE to LOVE HIM! No longer owing Him anything but my heart. And like said, knowing this only drives me to Love Him and sin no more.

“I tell you, her sins–and they are many–have been forgiven, so she has shown me much love. But a person who is forgiven little shows only little love.” Luke 7:47 NIV

Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you. Jeremiah 32:17 NIV

There was a point in my life when I had huge mountains of debt. It included credit cards and properties that no longer valued what I had paid for them. I did have guilt because I knew it was my actions and decisions that got me into this whole. It seemed OK at the time but turned out horribly and I felt I didn’t deserve to be free from it.

As I walked my RJ I learned to always seek God in everything. I remember early mornings crying out to Him with these large mountains not knowing WHAT to do. He was always so faithful to speak to me and bring me peace to trust in HIM. By spending time with Him my faith grew and strength to NOT look at my circumstances but BELIEVE in Him who is so much more greater and capable. And He sure did. One by one he made a way to clear each debt. He would even bring up debts from the past that were hidden and made a way to resolve and clear.

It was so liberating and it was only because I gave it to Him to take care of. It was hard because this did cause my credit score to drop significantly and I was always trying to be “responsible”, but He shared with me He wasn’t so interested in my success as much as my surrender. So I let go and today a couple years later I am almost completely debt free and my credit score is amazing.. all glory to HIM.

As I read this chapter, I also really wanted to seek God with the term “fair” and Him being a God of Justice. Because of a recent incident having to make a decision.

Being “Fair” was something implanted in me as a school teacher. Having a classroom with 24 4-year-old children, it was a way to keep order and peace as little personalities collided.

After reading this chapter, I praise the Lord in understanding that he is not fair but a merciful God. He continues to love and forgive us of ALL our sins absolutely deserving NONE of it. Thank You, my LOVE!!

My Love,
I thank you that no matter what, you are relentless to keep me close to you. I pray that each day you bring me closer to you and reveal yourself more and more. I want our heart to align and as you allow me to rest in You, you can also rest in me. Teach me to always trust in You and never see anything too difficult for you. What may seem impossible for man is never impossible for You.

Dear Brides,
Get excited about the doors to open and see how your HH wants to bless and free you from every area of your lives. Our finances sometimes is one of the hardest areas to let go of, but I encourage you to do so and hold on tight to the One who is the owner of all things.

Dear Brides,
As you start to walk each step, day by day, release what He is so lovingly wanting to free you from. It is a way of life we had been taught to live, but now that your new Husband is alluring you closer to His heart, He wants to carry you in His loving arms. Be prepared to never be the same.

Finances are always a difficult topic to discuss. We come to a time in our lives where we experience the Love and forgiveness of the Lord and start to build a relationship with Him. This book brings another chapter in your life to a level of abundance our HH so dearly wants us to have. We must continue to seek His heart so He is free to show us How much He cares for us.

~ Lota in Puerto Rico
Restored after going THROUGH the Fire!
RMIโ€™s Spanish Espaรฑolย Minister